Paul McKenna after RTM

Ditto KD - I did the same, and tested them again, and again and again.... :8855:

LOL. But even testing them comes with conditions :sigh:

I spent about 2 - 4 weeks working on each trigger food. Did my nut in sometimes, but at least I know I can have them about the house now without them turning me into pacman.
Pacman lol

Its ironic actually the creator of pac man sat down with friends who ordered a pizza he took one slice away from it and behold pacman was born

true story
Wow. I'm really impressed. I didn't take that long as I was confident in my choice. How did you test?

Well it took me two years to work through them all :D Guess I had a food relationship problem :eek:

How did I do it? Similar to the Gillian Riley technique...and just kept working at it. If I couldn't prove to myself that I had ultimate control over the item after 4 weeks, the items were given away and I tried with something else, then back to it the following month.

At the beginning I was forever having to go back, but the better I became at learning the techniques, the better I became at stopping with each new one.

I can now happily eat anything in a very small quantity without anything more than a passing "that was yum" thought.

Pacman lol

Its ironic actually the creator of pac man sat down with friends who ordered a pizza he took one slice away from it and behold pacman was born

true story

LOL. I didn't know that :D
I think the PmcK system, like all intuitive systems sound fine in theory, but always come with conditions.

Many years ago I bought the book "Diets don't work". Read the front cover, decided it was for me, and when I put on a few stone, decided I'd start reading the inside too:D

Eat what you like, but make sure that what you like is mainly the healthy stuff ;)

Use logic. If you didn't eat in moderation, you need to be careful after.

Exercise as much as you want - but make sure it's a lot :D

Always do the type of exercise you love, and if you don't love it, find another type you love, and if you still don't love it anyway.

Don't bank on loving the healthy stuff only forever especially when in the 'honeymoon' period but enjoy it while you can (hope this continues for BL )

Never, ever let a small gain become a big gain. Nip it in the bud, even if you feel crap.

When you feel you don't care anyway - CARE, because you may care the next day when you hop on the scales.

So that's my top tips for today :)

Nice ones KD. I have left above the ones that stricke a chord with me recently.

I know I will always love the healthy food - I always did....I'd just forget that fact when the evil voices went riot. I was fortuntate that my best friend is a very healthy lady and we met over 18 years ago. So she really influenced me with healthy food choices, healthy eating, etc., which I adopted by osmosis. But I didn't replace my diet. I just added hers TO mine. lol But she has really inspired me, and sort of been what I set my sites on. You can imagine my delight on our last trip when I tried on her jeans and they were too big!!!! :D (And how lucky was I - she burst into tears and hugged me. Hows that for a supportive friend!! :) )

But I too hope that lasts a long time. Its been only 3-4 months, but so far, I have not had one craving for the salty savoury snacks I used to crave. But that stuff in purple wrappers - those little voices are still present and accounted for!!! :D

I learned recently that if nipped in the bud you can sort something in a few days, when I had my bread trigger disaster! By being very diligent and careful the days following, the weight came off. In less then 2 weeks. And it was no struggle and no deprivation to get that result. SCORE! (You were a big help with that issue!!!)

I agree, there is a lot of good suggestions in the whole intuitive eating thing. But I think it applies more to peole who do not have a huge amount to lose. But once there - it seems a very sensible approach.

I did fin years ago when doing Weight Watchers - if I cravged something, really badly - I finally decided it was best to just have it - if the cravings were still strong after a day or so. Otherwise, I;d end up eating everything else BUT what I craved - and then finaly cave in and have the darn stuff anyway!!! But I think I would struggle trying to lose 10 stone inuitively. Scratch that - I KNOW I would have!!!

(Sorry for typos - my fingers are cold and I can't be bothered to correct them. :D)

So true

What struck a chord with me then BL was
ADDING the healthy food on top of the crap!
I am a qualified Home Economist for God's sake! I know all the theory of food,
I used to work for a food company creating recipes, writing instructions and advertising etc.give cookery demonstartions. Like most of us I could write a book on healthy eating/dieting/calories etc etc.
I was never attracted to junk food - just too much good food and I was addicted to dairy products, real butter,cream, cheese, eggs etc.
Part of that is that when you learn advanced cookery you are encouraged to use all those ingredients and they are yummy.OOOOOOH I could slip back so easily.
I am a bit of an "earth mother" and love cooking for and entertaining other people
(why? - was it a way to be accepted).
They love my food ususally but I was the one who piled on the pounds, not them.
I suppose because I did it all the time and was taught to "taste" everything, but nobody taught me to "eat" everything did they?!!!!
Ho Hum..........................