PCOS Ultrasound - What to expect?


Full Member
I've finally, after a year, been referred for an ultrasound to find out more about what's going on with my PCOS, as I was diagnosed on blood tests. Just not really sure what to expect with it. Anyone got any advice or info on it?

Also, considering I've not been treated for it yet at all, is there something I can do with GP to try to get them to actually help me? So far it's been weight loss on my own, but from all I hear about Dianette and Metformin, I can't see why I'm not getting any additional help.

Don't be surprised if they don't find anything on u/s - often nothing shows, it's not the best form of diagnosis. Are you a user of the Verity website? It's a charity for pcos with a lively discussion board where you can get lots of answers to any questions you may have about it :)
Hi I had an internal scan although the thing they use looks like a hoover hose it isn't to bad! With me it was pretty clear straight away and the sonographer told me then and there I had cysts and then this got passed onto the Dr for a more in depth talk. Good luck x
OK - I'll be super honest, the phrase mentioned to me before mine was "dildocam", which just about summed it up. The sonographer was wonderful, totally put me at ease as I was very nervous. It was a little bit like a smear with the position but I found it slightly better than a smear - less cold and sharp if you know what i mean. It was over pretty quickly too, as the cysts show up clearly straight away.
As for metformin, I know it works for some people but it's not a wonder drug and it does have side effects which are not pleasant. I took it for 6 months and it got my periods started but did absolutley nothing for my weight loss!
Good luck with your scan - hopefully your GP will discuss further options with you once you have the results.
ask to be referred to gynae/ endo - they will discuss any medication you could take or even dermatology if you have skin issues too. all the best xoxo
Good luck!
Hi Girls

Just wondering if anyone could help me?

I have PCOS, Diagnosed 2004 ages 18, only throgh bloods though no ultrsounds or anything but I have textbook PCOS. Extra weight, hair growth, hair loss on scalp, depression (to an extent) you name it!

However, I have lost nearly 4 stones following a low GI Diet. My periods have been more regular than they have ever been to be fair however I feel I need to now address my PCOS, as before I was more or less told to come back when I wanted a baby. I dont want a baby at the moment however would like to try and get my symptoms under control and possibly regulate my cycle. Something scares me about going to the Dr :( Sad I know but it does!

Can anyone give me any advice? What meds I should be asking for? If the pill may help??

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks Jane xx
I had the ultrasound it was inconclusive so i've been diagnosed with borderline PCOS. No symptoms apart from very long cycles and annovulation. I cant get referred to gynae until my husband has an SA done...so waiting for him to go to doctor this week and ask to be put on the list for an 'appointment' for his deposit lol. None of this happens very quickly i'm afraid :( Hopefully I'll get Metformin soon, we want to start trying for a baby soon as poss! I've lost over a stone, i think weight gain has contributed to why I am having problems.. :(