Pepsi Max....Advice?!!

I don't see the problem calorie wise. However I personally have just cut out all fizzy juice, that is just because I feel if I allow it...I may slip. I try just to drink lots of boost my metabolism I hope.
I love Pepsi Max too and I drink loads of it! Probably about 2 litres a day. Might start drinking it with a straw now though...
its certainly a tasty low cal drink thats for sure :)
Is squash bad?

See the below AviX :)

Is squash lemon flavoured? If so, yeah, it would have the same effects. If you do keeping drinking lots of Pepsi Max, drinking it with a straw helps minimise contact with teeth. And rinsing with water afterwards. It's more the chemicals that worry me- have you read any of Jillian Micheals books? (She believes that we muck up our metabolisms with chemicals- both in things like Pepsi Max, and protien bars etc, and in unclean foods-non organic foods.)

It's really not very good for your teeth- because it's acidic, it can be erosive. (Better than sugared soft drinks, but diet soft drinks do damage teeth. I am a dentist, this isn't speculation, but established fact) I'm interested about the GP blithering on about it-my GP doesn't like any artificial sweetners, he encourages giving these a miss totally!
Same as other people have said on the thread....I think in moderation its OK. Diet drinks have the sugar replacement, asparatame, which can be more addictive then normal sugar and is just as bad as sugar. However, as Jesca said, as long as your not drinking 6-7 cans a day it's fine. Pepsi Max is a treat for me at the weekend, I will buy a bottle of it on Friday night and once it's gone, its gone.