piccys after 1 month

Youve obviously lost a lot, dont listen to her !! Instead maybe try to talk to her about giving CD a try ^^ She definitely sounds jealous, and maybe itd be nice to lose the weight together, if you live in the same house together its actually quite a bonding experience, at least in my experience :p
My brother and I started almost at the same time and one month in we seem to be getting along much better than before ^^
Ladies can you have a look at my before and 1 month in piccys and tell me if you notice a diffrence??

My sister (who is bigger than me) says shethinks i am putting weight on :sigh:

Think your sis may have a touch of the green eyes monstor! There's a massive difference in you already, you are doing so well. Really can't believe your sis would say that.
What a flummin cheek your sister has! You can totally see you've lost weight, it's obvious. Well done you! :)
omg you look amazing!!! that is impressive stuff in one month! you just look like you have shrunk so much! Well done and keep up the good work!
oh, and next time you see your sister, give her a leaflet and ask her if she would appreciate some support! lol