

Full Member
got a pilates DVD today as they promise all sorts of wonderful things and did it this evening. it wasnt actually that hard compared with some stuff I have attempted before and I was wondering did I do it wrong? has anyone else any experience of this and will it help with my wobbley bits?:confused:
Never tried it, but let me know what you think. ive heard its very good :)
Hi Etheral

I used to go to Pilates classes, and honestly, I wasnt too impressed by it...but, I think that was just me personally as I had been so used to aerobics!

The movements are so small and I think it is easier if someone actually shows you...I know I have had videos (showing my age) in the past and they just dont show you how you should stand correctly and how to hold and breathe.

I would suggest maybe going along to a class for one night and then you can get a hang of exactly what you should be doing.

in saying that, you should feel too much pain, although you should realise that you have used your muscles.

good luck!