Please can you all give me a stern talking too !!

Hi all. I really need your help.

I have a 2 month old baby. During the pregnancy I put on a whopping 4 stone and I am now a size 22 !....

I did Lipotrim in the past and lost 5 stone so have almost out all that back on with the pregnancy.

I have tried to restart Lipotrim 2 weeks ago and have failed and I am so frustrated with myself...why can't I do it? I have no nice clothes to wear..I look horrendous and fat and feel awful and I still can't stick to it !!

I am going to get weighed this Tues and am calling it a fresh start and I am trying again.

Has anyone here done this diet after having a baby ..? can anyone give me inspiration and motivation.?

I get so tired and hungry looking after the little one and I just find myself going to the fridge ..:(

someone help that switch in my mind flip ! xx

Maybe its because of the tiredness feeling when you first start, is there anyone there to help you with the baby as you will feel really drained as your body goes into ketosis.
I've got a *just* 10 month old so I'm kinda right there with you! I'm finding it easy in the mornings then it gets to 5pm and I struggle so badly - but stick with it hun! Start again on Tues. If you eat low carb for the next couple of days you might manage to bypass a bit of the switch into ketosis - wish I had! I ate high carbs the night before I started and struggled sooo bad but glad I'm sticking with it. Think about how good it will feel to fit back into your lovely clothes and be a yummy mummy :D xx
Flame Coral do you fancy being my diet buddy on this? Obviously you might not want a diet buddy ! but might be nice as you are like me with a baby to look after and just starting the diet...let me know

Yes I definitely do! I would love it :) xx
Hi hun,
I have 4 children around me all the time(expect when I'm working) and I have a constant conveyer belt of food going on in this house.I've ended up buying them all the things they like that I don't like,just so the temptation is reduced,but I do still find it hard,my 2 yr old is keeping me very busy but has constantly got her hands and mouth full of food.

You will get through it.As you know yourself,it does get easier after the first wk,so come on here and look for the support from all of us.That's what we're all here for and all of us know how hard it is.

Good luck on Tuesday and good luck getting through the first week xxx
Hi I also started lipotrim after having my 2nd baby when I went I was told I couldn't do lipotrim until my baby was 6 months!! They did let me start it when my baby was 5 months and like you I had put loads of weight on and wanted it off is there any way you could do slimming world for while until you get settled with baby and then do lipotrim? Just an idea
Hi there...You dont need telling off you need love and support as we all do, be kind to yourself, you have a baby whom I bet is beautiful, you have been courageous in taking this step. See this as "taking control" Sending you lots of supportive wishes

I too put on a ridiculous amount of weight while I was pregnant and afterwards too my little girl is 11 months now and I have not felt ready to do anything for myself until now but trust me when I say I know how you feel x but just have faith in yourself that you can achieve anything after all bringing a baby into the world is no easy going lol! everytime you feel like giving up on the diet just look at your little baby and tell yourself you are strong and determined and can achiev anything you put your mind too x

good luck xx
Thank you all so much! Tomorrow I start again ! I will be coming on here frequently for support :)
Am going out for a meal tonight....will savour every mouth full !

Hey I got it :) just pm or chat to me on diary :D I love having buddies - keeps me motivated when it gets harder xxx