Hiya Cheeky
I know exactly what your going through as I went through a similar thing early into the LL Programme. I think I was about six weeks into it and I had lost a couple of stones by then and was well into it. At work we have two meetings outside the office, basically as a motivational thing which usually involves staying in a nice hotel, 5 course evening meal, evening out as much drink as you can eat and the dreaded FULL ENGLISH next day not to mention the numerous danish's, biscuits, sweets for sucking in the meeting etc. I could easily put on 5lbs in a couple of days of this constant eating.
Well on the 10th August we were scheduled to go away to Whitley Bay in the North East. I battled with myself whether I should make an excuse and stay at home and blame it on the kids or TOTM or whether I should go, eat and nobody would be none the wiser and get back straight on the programme. But my first thoughts were (would I????) would I be able to get straight back into it. So I decided to pack my blender, my foodpacks, bottles of water and I still went but throughout the couple of days I didn't eat one crumb. I sat there with the other team members whilst they tucked into their 5 courses and I asked for a mug and a jug of hot water and and teaspoon. I sat with a smile on my face and watched everybody look at me in amazement. After I had my soup, I eat a bar and then had a black coffee afterwards with everybody else. I drank water all evening flavoured with my fruits of the forest stuff and when I got into my bedroom that night I was so proud of myself.
Many a time we eat to please other people and so not to bring attention to ourselves but Im so glad I was strong at that point.
I have eaten since which was at my brother's wedding and like everybody else on this post has said, I kept to greens, protein lots of veg, kept off the carbs, and I had half a glass of champagne. I also had a small salad and beef stroganoff for the evening buffet and then just bacon, beans and scrambled eggs for my breakfast and when I got weighed three days later I still lost 4lbs that week which amazed me at the time.
I started the programme on the 26th June and during this time I have only eaten once and I have now lost 5 stones since then. A few group members have taken a break and then ate and then tried to get back onto the programme and they have frightened me by saying it is very hard and it puts them back quite a few weeks until they get round to the idea.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do and hope this has been helpful to you.