Pledge...Just For Today Friday 19th January, 2007!


Staff member
Pledge...Just For Today Friday 19th January, 2007!

I have started this thread for anyone who feels they might need that little bit of extra focus to make it through the day on their diet.

All we ever have is today as tomorrow will look after itself and if we can do today that brings us all a day closer to our goal.

We will do a new one each day and anyone who feels like making a pledge at anytime throughout today, to do their diet Just For Today Thursday is more than welcome.

For today I pledge to have my three CD meals and drink 5 litres of water and either do 30 minutes exercise or walking.

Love Mini xxx
Today I pledge to drink at least 3 litres of water hopefully more, will not pick anything out the fridge, and will do more steps on my stepper today.
I also pledge to get Karen drunk tonight (on water) when I meet up with her and her sister.