portion control

I think half the problem is we are trying to decide what we need to satisfy us before we eat (therefore when we are hungry).

What I try to do now is look on a packet for what it recommends as 1 serving e.g. 80g of pasta. My internal fat voice always screams at this and says "that will never be enough", so I have learned to always have a 'normal' portion, but promise myself that if after eating it I am still hungry then I will have some more. It is VERY rare that I make more food (but it does happen).

I think eating until 'satisfied' is the hardest thing I found- I have, through erratic eating over the years almost switched off what my body is telling me e.g. starving myself on mad diets then eating until ill on binges- it is hard to now try and tune in to what your body is actually telling you

It takes a while to get the hang of actually listening to what your body is saying. This is something thin people take for granted, but I think a lot of us with weight problems have a real issue with

My rules are now:
Never get TOO hungry because everything goes out of the window
Eat only when actually hungry- not when I think I should be eating
Stop when full- even if it means leaving food on my plate (VERY hard for me)

I find leaving food on my plate very hard lol. Food shouldn't be wasted so I'm going to put less on my plate from now on x
I find leaving food on my plate very hard lol. Food shouldn't be wasted so I'm going to put less on my plate from now on x

me too - i think its my parents telling me not to waste food - i am auto programmed to think its wasteful to leave something on my plate.

Unless its fat from meat - i quite happily leave that!

That's right: it's either wasted in the bin or wasted in your body as stored fat you don't need! The best thing of course is to have smaller portions, then go back for seconds if you are still hungry.