PP and being borderline diabetic


Gold Member
Morning all,

i returned to WW yesterday to try and sort my weight a bit before xmas and also have a headstart come Jan 1st. I used old points yesterday as its the system i prefer overall but the thing is i get sugar dips and had quite a rough one around 11 pm last night. Ended up going over my daily points allowance as had to have some toast to stop the shaking etc.

Wondering if i'd be better off on PP though as i have the extra 49 there just incase. That way i wouldnt necessarily have to go over to stop the dips. Also fruit being 0pp would help too as i could try reaching for that over the toast or chocolate.

My doc says i dont need medication but getting the weight off will help lower my sugars and improve my overall health.
It sounds as if doing PP might be better for you knowing that you sometimes need something extra to help with the sugar dips. You could give it a go for a few weeks and see if it helps?
It sounds as if doing PP might be better for you knowing that you sometimes need something extra to help with the sugar dips. You could give it a go for a few weeks and see if it helps?

Think i'm going to give it a go as you said and see what happens. I cant not do anything and gain more weight which would make the problem worse.
Try the pp for a bit, i dont find it much more difficult to folow than the old system i perfer it in fact, it does take a bit of getting used to but you will be flying it in no time good luck