Pregnancy - trying not to gain anymore!

Peanuts new Moses basket :)


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Beautiful basket xx
Thanks girls, just about got all her things now. Just to finish the decorating in the house n then I can just put my feet up n wait for her arrival :) xx
I love that style, never seen any like that when we were looking xx
I love that style, never seen any like that when we were looking xx

Thanks, it's from mothercare, only thing with it is that it's not that big so prob won't last long xx
Well one wk tomorrow and I'm officially classed as full term ! 4 weeks till my due date. Feeling really huge ( too much food) wish I'd stuck to some kind of plan while I've been pregnant but I haven't. Gained around 3 st :-( . Just can't stop myself eating crap. The thing with me is I'm all or nothing, either on a diet or not. no in between with me. as soon as I've had her I'm back on the weight watchers plan. don't get me wrong I've enjoyed all the naughty treats but I will definitely be ready for the plan xx
Well it's been a productive day today, hoovered and cleaned my manky car out , took some right doing too with all the dog hairs! he can keep out now lol. so at least that's baby friendly! also cleaned the fridge out along with the cupboards under the cooker and got my hospital bags done :) xx
Just come by to follow, Im 28weeks 3 days :D
I was trying to work out how close you are if you was 17weeks in January. Must be due soon?
Just come by to follow, Im 28weeks 3 days :D I was trying to work out how close you are if you was 17weeks in January. Must be due soon?

Hi, congratulations :) I'm 37+ 2 days, not long now xx
37+ 2 day bump


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Gorgeous bump, not long to go! X
Oh wow! Your so close to meeting baby, I wish I was you. I'm on a long 11 week countdown.
Oh wow! Your so close to meeting baby, I wish I was you. I'm on a long 11 week countdown.

I actually thought being on maternity leave would go really slow but it hasn't. been off 3 wk so far but had that much to do with decorating babies room, decorating living room ect. As well as de cluttering cupboards ect. I think I've done more than I would at work lol! X
Beautiful bump :) Not long now! eeek how exciting xx
I actually thought being on maternity leave would go really slow but it hasn't. been off 3 wk so far but had that much to do with decorating babies room, decorating living room ect. As well as de cluttering cupboards ect. I think I've done more than I would at work lol! X

I have 2 weeks maternity but 2 weeks annual leave, I'm half dreading it. I like the being off work part but I feel the countdown will be hard.

I think they call the cleaning thing 'nesting period' it's in my pregnant book. Pregnant women before their due date clearing out, cleaning and decluttering
I have 2 weeks maternity but 2 weeks annual leave, I'm half dreading it. I like the being off work part but I feel the countdown will be hard. I think they call the cleaning thing 'nesting period' it's in my pregnant book. Pregnant women before their due date clearing out, cleaning and decluttering

Yeh they do call it nesting. I can't seem to sit Down for long without thinking something needs doing. I really should chill cos I'm not gonna get much time once she is here. well I left my 4 weeks holiday to have with my maternity so my maternity starts properly on mon. it's going really quick. hopefully it will be the same for u, just jeep busy lol xx
Hey ladies, I have had such a lovely day today. Had a surprise baby shower thrown for me :) had so many lovely gifts, money n vouchers. I Was really chuffed. Had buffet on n played various games, so sweet. :-D

14 days tomorrow until my due date, can't believe how quick it's come round. I really can't wait to meet my little princess x x