Pregnant, overweight, where do i start?


Full Member
Hi im now 18 weeks pregnant and approxinatley 15 and a half stones.
I dont know my actual weight because im to scared to weigh myself :sigh:

Id like to atleast maintain my weight through this pregnancy so when the baby is born i should have lost.
I just dont know where to start, i do nothing most of the day except eat. im practically a hermit now and its getting me down, its effecting my self esteem and my relationship, i really need to turn things around but everytime i try my shocking will power scuppers things for me.

Hi there!

I know it can be difficult and far easier to say but try not to be so down and hard on yourself.
Alot of pregnant women on here have joined slimming world, you will need your mw's consent to show the sw consultant but many women are maintaining and even losing a pound or two whilst pregnant.
Maybe that would be something you could try? x
Don't get downhearted, it can be done. Try thinking about your body like a baby feeding machine, what you eat affects the baby so think about eating more healthy foods as they are good for your baby, lots of fruit and veg etc. Try to cut down on sugary , fatty foods as they are of no benefit to the baby whatsoever. I find thinking along these lines helps me choose healthier options. I also think about what it would be like if I were a smoker having to give up cos I was pregnant and how hard it must be , but people do it as they know its bad for the baby. If they can give up smoking then I can 'give up' fatty, sugary junk food for my baby ;)
Good luck and we are always here if you need a shoulder;)