Problem area's please help if you can!! DESPERATE.


New Member
Hellooo all, I'm new here and this is like the last resort sort of thing. I've dieted for about a year now and I thought I was doing great at first, the pounds where coming off regularly, but now I have them problem areas, where I seem out of proportion. Drives me crazy, it's so embarrassing to the point I just don't even want anyone to look at me it just frustrates me.

Looking at the top half of my body you'd think, okay, she looks healthy, nothing too big or too small, but my thighs and my bum arrgh! :mad: Drives me so mad, I want to lose weight there but every exercise it seems just gains muscle, and I don't want my legs or bum to be any bulkier!!! Does anyone have any miracle exercises that rids me of the fat and ugh-ness.

I'm SOOOO desperate to just get rid of it, I wish I could grab it all and cut it off with a knife!!
To be honest I think the best exercise you can do is a fast walk. Good for burning calories and would only tone your legs instead of bulk up. It worked for me. Xx
I cnt see it turning straight to mus cle babe, it as to burn the fat off first then it will tone up. Any lower body wrk bike riding, walking, leg weights or even swimming shud do the job. Use a ape measure to record weight loss in these areas, xx
over ten years ago i weighed over 15 stones, with weight watchers i got down to 8 and a half stones in just over a year, i had no flabby skin/bulkiness what so ever, i bought a mountain bike and cycled every where with 5 kids in tow !! i would say a bike is a great way for toning up your body,that's what worked for me
alas i have put all of my weight back on but am going to use a excercise bike to tone up in the begining
hope this helps xx
I have the same problem, looks like i'll have to get pounding the pavements!