Proof you need not worry too much what the scales say

*grin* thank you - sorry for taking over your post hun! x
Hi y'all. I don't have scales at home and am desperate for my first weigh in on Monday. Unfortunately there are scales at work that I can't resist hopping on whenever I pass them and I'm scared I'm kidding myself that I'm losing weight, because, face it, that's what this is all about.

I'm a newlywed and my husband is a chef and loves cooking for us. I'm doing this for my health and my own self respect as I'm aware my BMI is too high.

Hopefully you won't mind if I turn up on here with the occasional crisis of lack of willpower, H2O is the way to go.

You are very welcome, and stick with it chick; You cannot fail to lose weight and will be amazed how good it feels, so best of luck with the first weigh-in and let us know how you get on.

Girls: All terrific posts. You never cease to amaze and inspire me! Hope you are all having fabulous weigh-ins. Keep me posted! xXx