Psycho Kitty's slimming aid (how many activity points for typing? ;))

Kitty ,Great to see you back , Happy Birthday . You wont believe this but I went off track as well over the summer and started back last tuesday and weighed in at 14st 13.5 lb. !!!!!!!!! . Have first weigh in as well tomorrow ... I think we started around the same as well the last time. Twins:8855:.

Anyway great to see you back . I know what you mean about fit @50 . I will be 47 on 21st september so am facing that too and determined not to be fighting weight in my 50's.
:giggle: Breda, that is too weird! same fail, same restart, and same weight! almost same age! We are twins :D
Good luck for tomorrow, for both of us:fingerscrossed:
1st Weigh in, lost 4.5lbs. Happy with that, that was the easy bit now for the hard keep going :)
You can do it Kitty . You have to stay motivated now to kick my butt !! . :D.

Keep loging on and talking to us here ,it really helps me if I have an off day. Its like having a WW class every day.
Hi Kitty ,Hows the week going for you. Tuesday and wednesday were ok for me (Used 20 weeklies) but today has been good now. Want to be down another 2 lb this week . Have meal out tomorrow night !!!!!!!!!!.. Onward and Downwards.:D
Hi Breda, sorry I haven't been on minimins. Had a binge mid-week with some biscuits and used all my weeklies, and the following night I had some vodka oops :D :busted: so I only managed a 0.5lb loss this week.
I can see from your sig you gained a 0.5lb so I had a very small loss, you had a very small gain and I think this sums it up nicely
Its early days yet we have plenty of time to drop that weight :)
Hi Kitty , well done you . 0.5lb down ,thats great concidering you had a big loss last week . I didnt have a great week really if Im honest . We went out to celebrate my sons exam results and ended up having steak with all the trimmings and even though i didnt have a desert myself I picked at everyone elses so much I should have had my own !!!!!!!!!!... Also daughter arrived home from school with apple crumble they had made in cookery class and who's the only one who eats apple crumble in the house ??Yup !!!!!!!!!. Hence 0.5lb up this week . AND tomorrows my birthday and I know there'll be cake ... Aaaaaah !!!!!!!!