Put on a lb and lost inches!


Full Member
Hey everyone

I had my third weigh in last night and put on a pound! I have been exercising everyday on the treadmill and a few weights and lots of sit ups.:eek:

I was just wondering, I assume the lb I put on is either watch retention or muscle - as muscle weighs more than fat, but if I keep exercising will I loose weight or put more on if I gain more muscle??

I know I am getting smaller as I lost an inch off my waist this week my BMI is 25 so I know I have more weight to loose but should I keep doing what I'm doing or stop exercising as much until I get my BMI down then start.

Thanks for reading this I'm just so confused today!

N xx:rolleyes:
Well done on the inch loss.......I often found if I stayed the same or did put on I would have lost inches that week so it is still shifting.

Well done