Question for counsellors who've reached goal.

That's the problem isn't it. It doesn't matter too much what way you find, as long as you find it and can live with it.

Even then, you can be constantly evolving. I've had many little steps to get where I am, but whose to say I really have reached my final destination? Each time I think I'm there, I then learn something new and move on again. It's like trying to find the perfect place to live.

Perhaps there is no perfect place...but just one we can live that feels comfortable.

Sometimes I go into Evangelical mode and want to shout out that I've found the answer, but I know deep down it's just my answer...nobody elses. Doesn't stop me trying though:p
Yes, I think you're right. It's funny, as people at work (who never knew me as a 'fat person'!) constantly admire my discipline for avoiding cakes, biscuits, etc, and ask me what my 'secret' is. Although I sometimes feel kinda 'smug' about it, in a way I admire them for just eating what they like and not constantly obsessing over it! Which begs the question, is it better to be overweight and simply enjoy your food, or to be slim and have to deprive yourself to at least some extent? That's a whole other debate, though. :)

I applaud you for questioning your way of managing your weight. It's when we stop questioning or being aware that the rot set in.
Thank you - that's very kind. Thank you also for your 'reputation comment'. :) Fortunately (or unfortunately, sometimes!), i'm a 'questioning' kinda gal, so i'm never going to stop thinking about the way I eat and live my life!

Jo x
Hey Jo, yes it's me. The exercise definitely helps, and I'm sure I wouldn't find it as easy without exercise - it was during the few years that I didn't exercise that I put on all my weight. I'd love to say that I would eat less if I wasn't exercising, but that hasn't been true in the past. However, I had never been overweight before, took being a size 12 completely for granted and didn't realise what I was doing. I've worked out that if I'd eaten just 100 fewer calories per day I'd never have put on a single pound. Armed with that knowledge now, even without exercise or nutrition diplomas I'd be better equipped to make sensible choices.

It's impossible to say what I would do to maintain my weight if I wasn't exercising, of course - I've absolutely no idea. It's fairly difficult to imagine my life without exercise!

Jane, yes, I'm a fitness instructor.:)
Ah, well - I guess it's an entirely different ball game if you're someone who's never had a problem with their weight before. Although I didn't really have a problem until I started having kids, my eating issues are quite deep rooted, and I was overweight for pretty much my entire twenties.

I wish I had your passion for exercise, though!

Jo x
This is a very interesting question and would be great to get more counsellors opinions which i am sure you will !

I know quite a few people who have lost weight now using Cambridge and a couple LL and the ones who havent had a substantial gain since reaching target are the ones still using cambridge as a crutch and if thats what you feel happy doing then thats fine but its exactly what has made me veer away from the vlcd way because i know i dont want to use shakes for ever and couldnt if i tried , even my counsellor of old uses them not because of gain but to maintain and that , in there own words is fear of regain !

It is finding what works i have a friend at the moment who is now considering getting some more cd bits because they have albeit slowly gained 16 lbs of the weight they lost and it's amazing how little food they are actually eating but the diet has left her with a slow metabolism so she feels cheated which is understandable i think .
i would love to hear of some people who manage to maintain without the aid of shakes soups and bars because it would be an inspiration for me at least lol !
Looking forward to some more responses again great question thanks Jo x
Thanks, tatty - it would seem that the topic has garnered a lot of interest. :)

To be fair, it would seem that the majority of responses have come from people who have maintained the weight without the use of shakes, etc, so there is still hope!

Research shows that any diet reduces your metabolism, but it does evenentually go back to normal whether you've used a 'conventional' diet or a vlcd.

Jo x
I tend to gain weight on 2000 calories per day, unless I exercise like CRAZY.

I've always been this way. My Dad's side of the family have always talked of their notorious 'slow metabolism' and the only auntie who was very thin got that way and stayed that way through what can only be described as sustained semi-starvation over forty, fifty years or more. My Dad eats very little and exercises daily and gardens like mad ( he is EIGHTY!).

I worry that VLCD-ing will affect my metabolism in a negative way. Guess I'll just have to be very very careful about what I eat - forever. I can't 'get away' with the kind of cheating others describe. No way!

Hi there. :) As has been said, vlcd-ing will reduce your metabolism, but it will eventually speed up again once you begin eating 'normally'. I do believe that some people just naturally have a slow metabolism though, but this can be helped with exercise and building up muscle mass.

Unfortunately, we're all going to have to be careful about our eating forever! If I went back to beer and takeaways every night, i'd soon regain my five and a half stone! :)

Jo x
On another note, people do under estimate how much they eat and it all adds up:sigh: You will also need less calories than before because you will be lighter, so it wont take so much energy to carry around your lighter body.
Very true! It's the grazing inbetween meals that's the problem, usually.
Also, I always maintained my weight very well once I hit 16-odd stone! I could eat pretty much whatever I liked around that weight, as my body had to work hard just to function! It's unfortunately not quite the same when you weigh six stone less. :rolleyes: :p

Jo x
It is true that your metabolism slows while on a VLCD (as it does with any diet) but when you return to normal eating it speeds backup. It isn't true that a VLCD can "damage" your metabolism as you metabolism is based around the amount of calories you burn and hence this is down to muscle mass / exercise etc etc and not how you lost the weight originally.

Remember that you were overweight before doing a diet so you must have been eating too many calories which is why people tend to regain after finishing a diet as they go back to their old ways as opposed to the diet damages them in some way.

I am finally coming to realise the importance of the sedentary lifestyle though, it is very very hard to maintain weight if you do a 9-5 desk job and don't exercise which is why I now make myself go to the gym twice a week at least.

Very true! It's the grazing inbetween meals that's the problem, usually.
Also, I always maintained my weight very well once I hit 16-odd stone! I could eat pretty much whatever I liked around that weight, as my body had to work hard just to function! It's unfortunately not quite the same when you weigh six stone less. :rolleyes: :p

Jo x

Yep true, for every stone you lose you need to cut 150 calories a day from your diet to maintain it.

That's interesting, Karen. Is your LL counsellor happy to continue supplying you with the packs? Is it common for clients to continue in that way?

It's reassuring that you don't see anything wrong with it.
"Once a food addict always a food addict!!" - How true!

Jo x

Hi Jo

Yes she's happy to supply them, i just get a months worth at a time.... she uses them herself from time to time so understands how helpful they are in maintaining!!

It's not like we are taking slimming pills or anything, they are actually nutritionally balanced meals so at least we get our vitamins eh?
It is funny that it somehow is perceived bad that if you use the packs after reaching goal weight that in some way you are "cheating" to keep the weight off.

At the end of the day the packs taste nice, aren't that expensive and are full of goodness so long live the Cranberry bar!! (especially the new formulation out now!)
It is funny that it somehow is perceived bad that if you use the packs after reaching goal weight that in some way you are "cheating" to keep the weight off.

I don't consider them 'cheating', but realise that we are seeing this from different sides of the fence.

You have easy access to them, so can justify them by saying they are nutritionally balanced etc. I don't have easy access, so I have to justify to myself why I don't need them. So for me they are expensive, higher % fat than I would like for a normal meal and not what I would consider 'normal' food...even though they were useful to me in my weightloss.

I can still see a place for the occasionally, but no doubt would see a much bigger reason to use them if they were in my cupboard;)

It really depeneds how you are using them. Something quick and easy. Healthy, or something to help you control your weight.

For me, I am trying to get away from the whole dieting/weight thing, and just thinking healthy eating. There are many more foods available for me to get that balance.
I should add, that I don't see a problem with using them to control your weight, just that is not what I am personally trying to achieve.

Just hoping that by really getting to grips with my relationship with food, the weight issue will take care of itself.