Quick question...??


Full Member
Hello lovely ladies (and gentlemen),

I was just wondering whether we can have roiboos (redbush) tea whilst on LL. I know we can't have flower tea.... roiboos is a (south african) bush tea so wasn't sure.

I have a pretty nasty cold at the mo and am just missing something hot to drink :( Had one of the savoury drinks yesterday, was never a big drinker of them (think I've had about 3/4 since starting the plan), but didn't really enjoy it, think I have gone off them!!

And I am taking Beechams Flu Plus caplets. I asked my LL locum about them and she said as long as it didn't say citric acid or any form of sugar in the ingredients she thought they should be fine.... but she wasnt really 100%... so just wanted to get you guys opinion aswell??

Thank u peeps xxx
YEs hon, you can. Sorry you are not well and hope you feel better soon! :)


thanks BL, but was that yes to the tea or the meds lol?? thanks again xx
Have you tried the LL water flavourings in hot water? I'm constantly too cold to drink my water even at room temperature. The purple one is like having a hot ribena!