Quick Scan Bran Cake Question


Full Member
I have been going through all the Scan Bran threads but can not find the answer to this.

I have tried to make a ScanBran Cake a few times and everytime they are really moist (as in falling to bits moist). I am thinking that I am putting to much water in when i soak them at the start. I have been putting in water until they have totally fallen to bits (which can take some time), is this to much?

If anyone can put up a photo of what their scan bran looks like after the soaking that would be a great help.

I usually break the scan bran up into large-ish pieces, then I add just enough water to cover the scan bran in the bowl. I leave it until the scan bran is soft and then I drain off any water that's left over :)

I'm not sure whether that's any help to you hun xx
Thanks, that sounds no different to what I do so not sure what I am doing wrong then..

I cook it in the oven, but from what I have read others do that as well without it being a problem