Rae's good and bad


Hi all, I'm starting my 12 week countdown diary from today eek! 12 weeks because that's how long I have left till I get married and my dress is too small
So here's a little bit about me....I'm 42 now and have 5 children. The eldest 3 are all grown up and 1 has children of her own.
I gave birth to surprise twin boys 15 months ago awww but due to PND and anxiety, my confidence dropped massively but my weight went up even though after I had them I only had 7lbs to lose to get to my pre pregnancy weight!
It's now ended up more than 2 stone lol!
So..... I'm tired of wallowing in self pity and have decided to do something about it
I won't be perfect with my choices but I'm here for the good and bad
Thank you both x it's not a big wedding, just family and a few friends :) we were just going to do it in secret with the kids but my fiancé felt bad so we had to turn it into bigger than what we planned ugh!

I definitely have my hands full haha and they're not quiet serene babies.....they're real rough and tumble boys with teeth that they like to use ouch!

Well, today has been an amazing start I think. Had a very productive day for a change. Got the twins down for a 3hr nap so used that time for weeding and potting plants and then scrubbed out the paddling pool......all exercise!!
I've been concious of what I ate today and stopped eating when I was full, which is usually hard for me to do lol

3 crumpets, butter, banana

Wholemeal roll with roast pork, tomatoes and mustard. Cup of soup.

Small plate of spag bol, 2 alpen light bars

Could have sooo washed tea down with some wine but luckily I don't have any ha xx
Good morning....I think?
My boys 3 hr nap came back to bite me on the arse this morning ha! Been up since 5am.....soooo tired...
Ohh I do nap with them more often than not...I had a lovely 2hrs this morning ;)
That brought me around again ahhh :)

I've been a bit lax with the healthy eating today....not enough food but too many cars eek. I desperately need to go shopping and stock up properly but it shall have to wait until Friday now as I work Wednesday and Thursday so I will just have to manage!

My mum visited today and she fetched me a cream cake!?!? I'm proud to say she took it back home ha :p

I'm trying to use up my tins and jars in the cupboard.....the ones that have been there for over a year lol so I concocted a delicious new meal tonight and omg even my fiancé might be impressed when he gets home ( he's a head chef ).

2 slices of wholemeal toast
Butter and jam

Corned beef hash
( reduced fat corned beef, tin chopped tomatoes, tin butterbeans, tin peas, potatoes, onion and mixed herbs.....bang it all in a pan and 30 mins later job's a goodun )
Slice wholemeal bread and butter

Small bag of popcorn

Sooo many carbs.....x
BTW, it's a myth that if you live with a chef then you get lots of delicious food cooked for you.....they live off toast, beans and takeaways :)
Carbs are ok so long as your calories generally are in check, at least in my opinion! Your meals look good! You're doing really well, you resisted the cream cake Hihi, I would have pounced on it! I love cake too much :p
Uh oh not had a great few days to be honest.....too many lattes at work and a couple of giant sized almond croissants ( my absolute favourite )!!
I ALWAYS seem to struggle at work and then when I get home it carries on....
So today I'm starting as I mean to carry on....delicious fresh fruit salad and a lovely cuppa tea :)
The Loz, I didn't really enjoy it, it needed 'something' but I ate it anyway :)

I have had such a lovely relaxing day today although it didn't start off like that! The boys had me up at 6 which isn't unusual but today they both woke up on the wrong side of their cots so were very whiny :-(
They were back in them by 8.30 am for a verrrry long nap so I decided that instead of using nap time to do chores I treated myself to a super long shower and exfoliation! I also managed to shave my legs haha god, I was getting yeti like!!

After lunch I took the babies out for a walk in the sunshine and we stopped by a house that has fresh eggs for sale yum.
The boys had a great time watching all the hens and goats but as they're still only babies the only animal they've grasped yet is a dog so they were both woofing to the goats haha they're funny ones :)

Does anyone have any experience with detox diets???
I got added to a Facebook group today for a 7 day diet and I must admit, I'm tempted but the only thing that's putting me off is the 'no tea, coffee, alcohol' thing....I love my morning cuppas.
The food actually sounds REALLY good! It's all lean meats, fish, fruit and vegetables and cheeses no processed stuff but, I have a feeling it's a lead up to some sort of juice diet after the 7 days going by what I've seen and I really don't want to get on that wagon hmm.

So, today's eats...
Chopped apple, half segmented grapefruit and pomegranate seeds

Ham, hard boiled egg, lettuce, radish, cucumber and beetroot

2 small baked sweet potatoes, peas and scampi

2 rice cakes ( awful things! I shall top them with something next time )
Mini mars bar
Packet of frazzled

Sounds like a lot of food but I reckon I haven't gone over 1200 cals which is poor for me especially with the walking earlier oops x
2lb down this week and that's with a couple of blips :)

Yesterday was an okish day food wise, it was the wine that my partner brought home that wasn't so great. I know I didn't have to drink it but ahh well.....oops!

2 weetabix with semi skim milk

3 rice cakes with tuna and low fat mayo and cucumber ( eaten on the go so it took me ages to finish )

Roasted lemon chicken with honey glazed carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes. Broccoli and a bit of bisto.

Bag of frazzled
Handful of malteasers

Bottle of wine :rolleyes:

Just waiting for my daughter to get ready because she's agreed to take the twins into town with her!!......a very rare occurrence haha. Their bag is packed already to go :bolt:
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I seriously feel like I've eaten loaaads today and I'm now worrying what the scales will tell in the morning as I've only just eaten my tea....isn't eating late supposed to be really bad for weightloss :confused:?

So while my daughter took the boys out this morning instead of scrubbing the bathroom like I was supposed to....I went back to bed :-( don't know if it's the medication I've recently started taking but I just feel so worn out lately!! I've decided to come up to bed and read my book hopefully it will send me off to sleep zzzz!

Fruit salad again, probably half a bowl

Chicken, mayo and tomato sandwich on 50/50 bread. Cup a soup

Tuna with mayo, 2 hard boiled eggs , salad, new potatoes with a knob of butter

Alpen light bar and a green and black's minature chocolate bar melted in a cup of hot skimmed milk.......deeeelicious :p
Thanks Echomeri but as I thought 0.5lb up this morning :-( I do think it's a combination of eating late and I didn't eat mindfully....before I realised it I was absolutely stuffed full so I will make more of an effort to realise that full up feeling from now on x
I've been pretty organised this morning and planned out today's menu :D I'm determined to get a 3lb loss next weigh day!

2 weetabix with a tsp sugar and skimmed milk

30g feta,lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, radish, beetroot sprinkled with chai seeds

Homemade cottage pie topped with sweet potato mash. Green beans

Nak'd cocoa orange bar

Work tomorrow eek.....I'm definitely going to be planning ahead for that o_O
Hmmm, I didn't eat the cottage pie although I did make it....I seem to have gone off sweet potatoes!! I just couldn't face it at all so I had beans and toast instead haha
That dress is lovely!

Aparently eating after 8pm is bad for you as you are less likely to work any of it off. No idea if it's true but it sounds about right. I'm rarely hungry in the day but the second I sit down my stomach is like 'er hello?' haha

Not that I imagine you get a lot of down time with the two little ones ;)
There's a lot of conflicting science on eating late vs earlier... I don't really know what to believe really, because on the one hand - it doesn't matter too much so long as meals are regular - as it all boils down to calories in, calories out. But then some others suggest that it's good to have an hour or two before going to bed to let the food digest. It's more about the digestive process than working anything off in my opinion as you'd be working off the glycogen stores before the meal anyway - so in a way, it's all the same. I didn't see any difference in my own weight loss when I was eating dinner between 9-10pm as opposed to now when I eat between 6-8pm. Maybe it's down to your own physical makeup, the type of thing you eat and how much?