Really low net calories


Full Member
I'm going to an aerobics class tonight which will burn off a load of calories on its own, but I also have to walk to the class and back, so a hefty amount of calories will be burned later. With three good meals, snacks and drinks, it works out as I will only have 56 net calories for today. Is that really bad? I don't want to eat more food because I know I'm gonna be stuffed after these meals.
I don't think so. Some days I have a total of around just 20 net calories, but that's pretty rare since I eat a lot most of the time. I'm interested to other responses.

I'm in a similar situation, I limit my calories for the day and never eat my exercise calories. For instance yesterday my net calories would have been approximately -300!

I'd probably say that if you feel like you're okay on such little calories then it's fine (I used to get very light headed after not eating enough and over exercising).

But if you feel that you would like more to eat when you've been exercising then don't hesitate!
Im probably being really dumb here but what do you mean by net calories?

Also Lozzy, how many cal's do you have a day as your diet info states low calorie counting which is what I do, any advice?
