really, really lost my way!


Full Member
I've been doing this since march, and lost 31.5lb. I have another 11lb to go till my weight watchers goal, and I'm struggling. I have barely shifted either way since start of December and I just can't get my head back into it.

I was planning meals weekly, doing a big shop on a Saturday and then my other half would help out with the cooking because he'd know what to do! But now...?! Moneys been a bit tight, so the weekly shops are being put off (even though we probably spend more with the "bits" we need during the week).
We're going to Florida next week (family holiday all paid for by in-law's!) And I just can't convince myself to behave this week, so I can do as I please whilst there, and then get back to it.

Basically, I need some motivation. To buy the proper food, to not give in to chocolate (its my "I'm hungry but I don't know what to cook so I'll just have one biscuit" that then turns into 5, or 6....) And to start weighing my food again!!

I loved this "diet" when I started. But now I'm just... Off the rails!!! Help?!
OK this is going to sound very harsh but I'm just gonna have to give you some options!! Just consider this, you can binge this week and probably look back on all your holiday photos thinking "if only I hadn't..." or you can get back on track and keep moving forward :)

In a week, people here have lost 1-4lbs, some even more. Some have stayed the same. If you binge, the chances are you are going to put on weight. If not this week, next week. If you eat lots of bad stuff, chances are you may bloat yourself out. So you could be going on holiday bloated, feeling guilt and worried about your weight. Right now you have the option to reject this, and instead set off on your holiday confident and happy after having a 100% HONKing week beforehand where you did everything you could to stay in control and look your best! Best of all, no regret and probably a lot more healthy mentally and physically!

You are in complete control of what you eat. You need to make sure you have plenty of healthy food in the house that your willing to eat or cook. If you haven't got the motivation to cook from scratch, although not ideal it may be worthwhile investing in some microwave meals. Key thing is, go grab your headphones and mp3 player/mobile, get down the shops! Before you go, make a rough plan of your meals for the week so you know what you need and buy some good quality fruit, veg and the odd treat to snack on.

But remember, you have done amazingly well so far. You have the choice now to go back to what you were or to be brave and move forward to the new, healthier and happier you. There is no reason for this week and during your holiday to go completely AWOL! :)

Best of luck!!!
Totally agree with above post - well said. Keep it up, you could regret it otherwise.

Good luck x
If you turn to the biscuits and chocolate, stop buying it, you don't need it in the house.
Take away the temptation, you can't eat what you don't have.
Only buy it once in a while as a treat, same goes for other "bad" foods.
Always make a shopping list, and plan your meals ahead.

While in Florida, don't go all out.
If you can choose, go for the healthier things on the menu's, like salads, etc.

Do you exercise?
If not, take this up, it's great cause it'll help you lose weight faster and it'll make you feel better (endorphins!).