Really worried about loose skin!

Wasted Ink

Full Member
I'm in the process of losing weight. I’ve lost 2 stone 3lb so far. However, I’ve got around another 5 stone to lose. I’m planning to do it quite gradually - around 2lb a week. But I am still terrified that I might get loose skin! I read so many stories on here with people saying they have loose skin and it really worries me.

My skin is quite elastic and I’m very young (only seventeen,) so I’m hoping that will be an advantage and should reduce my chances of getting it. I just feel like any renewed confidence from weight loss will be shattered if I have loose skin. I have no loose or even flabby skin so far.

Some things I’m doing to try and prevent it happening:

Exfoliating body skin and using a skin firming lotion (Bio-oil/shea butter.)
Exercising 60 mins a day
Light Weight training

Is there anything else I can do to try and prevent it? I’m really concerned.

Replies appreciated. :(
I've lost nearly 8 stone, am much older than you...and don't have much loose skin. Your skin should just bounce back. Don't let worries about it derail you from losing the weight. Even if I looked like melted candle I wouldn't regret losing it.
You know, I've stopped giving a toss about loose skin. I'll worry about it when I get there.

I'd rather be a flying squirrell than fat.
Very wise. My other half's mum accidentally left the zoo with a baby wallaby in her pocket once. She was halfway home in the car when it emerged. Apparently it's quite common for the little beggars to clamber into any dark place, so the zoo was often getting returned wallabies from handbags, coat pockets, backpacks and such.
I was worried about this too and having lost 5 1/2 stone its really not that bad.

You are doing all the right things, I have moisturised my whole body every day without fail since starting LL and I really think that has helped, I have used various things, bio oil, body butter, all sorts of lotions and potions!

My worst bits are my stomach (although I have had 2 C-sections so it was never gonna be great!) and the tops of my thighs but they are definitely improving with time. Some also suffer with their upper arms so really concentrate on really massaging the moisturiser into those particular areas daily.

Genetics has alot to do with it and age of course which is very much on your side ...... so .... you are doing all you can and you are young and worrying about it won't help, what will be will be unless you have the money and inclination for surgery! Believe me once you get to goal a bit of loose skin will absolutely not shatter your confidence you will look and feel fabulous!

Skin will continue to shrink back into place up to a year following weight loss. I, too, have stopped worrying about it....will do something about it if, and when, I have to. In the meantime, I am enjoying my new found slimness, and somehow, I don't want to eradicate the past, as that's what's made me ME!!!
I'm sure I read somewhere that if you are under 30 your skin will shrink back as long as you aren't looking to lose too vast an amount of weight e.g. more than half your body weight (so that's me stuffed really since I'm in my 30s with over 7 stone to lose!). I'm sure at 17 your skin is elastic enough to recover with nothing more than a few stretch marks (and don't worry about those EVERYONE has them somewhere, and they do fade with time, to a certain extent, if you are young enough - which you are).