Recipes that I cook everyday .


Full Member
Hi everyone, I realised that healthy eating is for life . So I no longer think that loosing weight is stressfull,and found out the reasons why I was failing to follow the diets,because 1)I wanted to loose wieght quickly and cooking low calorie - not tasty food most of the time,and ofcourse it affected my mood whole day ,I was craving for this and craving for that ,because foods that I was eating were not tasty and enjoyable .2)I didn't want to chage anything in my daily routine,now I stoped doing less important things and having good sleep which is far better than coffee,and being active more and all this thaks to the way how I THINK and KNOW about food and exercise I am not perfect but I am on my way to that ,if you want to know more please ask . So my first goal is to loose weight and for that I choose weightwatchers and wanted to share recipes that I cook for breakfast ,lunch, and dinner.I hope it will help you too.
If I calculate something wrong please correct me.
My recipe propoints and portions might be bigger because of my daily allowence and I don't want to nible all the time.
My only concern with weightwatchers or with some other diets is the altrrnatives of ingridients and foods that they advise to swap are not heathy at all and from one unheathy food I go to another, like diet cokes and all this artificial ingridients and foods in weight watchers brand or othe brands (for that read the lable) . My BIG ADVICE IS TO CHOOSE NATURAL INGRIDIENTS whenever you can ,and ALWAYS PUT YOUR HEALTH FIRST,at the end of the day real beautyful body is healthy body and healty MIND.Forgot to say that I moved to Saudi arabia and varietyof food products are limited.
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breakfast 1


30g oats(3pp)
250-200 ml skimmed milk(2pp)
1tsp sugar(1pp)or any other alternative

with that I can have 2pp toasted bread+ 2 pp cheese or jam or butter anothe option is tea or coffee with1 tsp of sugar if I use 1pp of soft cheese,butter,... on toast)

in total 10pp
Hi Muslima - would love to follow what you're having as i'm only starting my propoints journey!
Porridge is great - keeps you full for so long and tastes yum!!! :)
breakfas 2

8pp egg with baked beans and toast

egg 3pp
backed beans(150g)3pp
toast 1 slice 2pp

and with that tea or coffee or juice 1-2pp

total 10pp

8pp chicken with broccoli

120 chicken(4pp )
125mlskimmed milk(1p)
salt pepper to taste
0cal cooking oil spay
250 g broccoli

cut broccoli into small florets and boil it for 5 mins in water then drain it. Dice the chicken and cook it for 10 mins or until well done,add broccoli season top it with chopped leek . Beat the egg with milk ad pour over chicken cover with lid and cook it on low heat 10-15 mins.done! you can add any veg you like and use cauliflower instead of broccoli if you want. add 2pp toast to make 10ppmeal (or take 1egg for 2pp and reduce the chicken portion to make it 6pp meal.)