You can do it Reena1 don't give up!
Hi china babe. How do u keep goinf thru it. Im rrally strugling. I started off so well...officual weigh in tomorow think i will stay same as last week shame cos i had got it down quite well ...

Im not sure i can carry on cravings are back and im bored of eating this food missing bread and chappati big time
Jelliebabe thats a good idea. Im really craving a piece now. Ive ruined it all for myself a whole week of doing it so so wrong i was good yday and v good today but i know ive gone up again on scales. Its totally warranted. Got hedache and real real desp cravings also feel bored of what im eating never a great place to be

Suck of so much meat and fish all tastes so boring now. I feel defeated my oh my where did all that i can do it noise gone. im hoping i can undo the bad ive done this week by next weigh in. No more cheating no more lapses etc back onto my goal i want that size twelve dress and i want it yesterday ...NO more cheating !!!!!
Reena commit to the diet and stop torturing yourself with things you can't have - Dukan becomes easier when you eradicate all junk and stick strictly to all the lovely Dukan food you can have...... Get reading the recipe section and make yourself some lovely food ready to have when hunger strikes - fill the fridge with dukan friendly snacks so you are never caught short when hunger strikes..... I have been going through similar to you after a year of being angelic on Dukan and it is torture when it goes pear shaped - dust yourself off - put that picture of the size 12 dress firmly in your head and don't be swayed - gosh I wish I only had a couple of stone to lose - my journey was a mountain to climb but it is doable and you can do it!!! When the birthdays crop up take muffins with you to the party and have those when the cake is cut - my friends are entirely used to me bringing food to events and in restaurants I am not afraid to ask for exactly what I want and very often they are more than happy with my strange requests...... OUr brain is our strongest tool Reena and you can do this standing on your head..... Go for it and don't give up - it will be worth it! x
Trudy thats a fantastic post, Reena some fantastic advice there from a Lady who knows what shes talking about xxx come on it will be so worth it xxx
Hi Trudy
Thank u for that post
Question. When u hit target weight can u return to normality? Or will i never eat real choclate vake or crunchy nut cornflakes again?
Im really really desperate fir my normal indian curries which apart from.oil are dukan great and i make em all the time but it just tastes rubbish without rice and or chappati made from medium brown flour.
Im scared now that ive started thia journey im gna get even fatter if i dont continue.
Never to use oil again or be able to eat out freely or to have food at the temple (which is loaded with fats) etc
Ive tried many things on the reciepe thrrads some of em.made me physicaly ill

So far i like sidd muffin reciepe laurabs lemon curd anyone got any tried and trsted meal ideas ....?
Pv dyas are manageable with soups etc but pp days im starting to go off the rails x
B 3 chicken drumstick and cup of tea
L 6 muffins with tea
D 1 chicken breast salt and pepper
S raspberry sugar free jelly
TWO large glasses of water

Spent whole day cooking again so couldnt eat. Seem to get full on fumes when i cook. This week ive been non stop in ki
tchen going to have to tell hubby to start coking for himself. He eats way too much and contributes nothing. :(
Reena commit to the diet and stop torturing yourself with things you can't have - Dukan becomes easier when you eradicate all junk and stick strictly to all the lovely Dukan food you can have...... Get reading the recipe section and make yourself some lovely food ready to have when hunger strikes - fill the fridge with dukan friendly snacks so you are never caught short when hunger strikes..... I have been going through similar to you after a year of being angelic on Dukan and it is torture when it goes pear shaped - dust yourself off - put that picture of the size 12 dress firmly in your head and don't be swayed - gosh I wish I only had a couple of stone to lose - my journey was a mountain to climb but it is doable and you can do it!!! When the birthdays crop up take muffins with you to the party and have those when the cake is cut - my friends are entirely used to me bringing food to events and in restaurants I am not afraid to ask for exactly what I want and very often they are more than happy with my strange requests...... OUr brain is our strongest tool Reena and you can do this standing on your head..... Go for it and don't give up - it will be worth it! x

Fan post Trude :D

P x
Reena, like any diet when you get to TW you still have to be careful but conso is a wonderful transition for you.....You can enjoy a gala meal once a week on conso where you can have your chocolate cake and a lovely curry - also you can have a rice portion during the week with one of your curries..... BUT to keep at an even keel you do have to make some PERMANENT changes to your eating....... This has been the hardest thing for me to accept but as a classic yo yo dieter accepting it will be the road to life long success for me...... Food is in your soul - I can hear it in your posts but it is only food and honestly being healthy and feeling GREAT about yourself is worth any nice food!!! With regard to how things taste, it took a long time for my tastebuds to actually appreciate the real taste of food without fat but with herbs and spices and now I can honestly say I prefer Dukan recipes.... I always season meat with various spices and always use sauces..... If you like pepper sauce with steak the recipe is simple, for a PP day put 200mls of water in a frying pan with garlic, onion granules or small amount of onion and bring to the boil, add 1/2 beef stock cube (I use Knorr) and reduce liquid down, when it thickens and goes brown stir in a big tablespoon of extra lite philly and stir in ..... when you add the philly depends on how thick you like the sauce but is delish over steak or chicken..... On PV days I add mushroom and red pepper - a life saver for me - also the Dukan BBQ sauce and sweet chilli sauce....... Hope that helps x
Reena, athough this isn't a traditional curry recipe, I found this satistfies some of my curry cravings. I've cooked it quite a lot & have varied the spices that I use to do different flavours. i found it very adaptable. I found it on the recipe thread. Look back quite far & there is a huge variety of spicy options lurking in the recipe thread that can be adapted for personal taste.

keep going on dukan, you will be glad in the long run xx
Official weigh in week 5....... 68.3kg dont no how this has gone down amazing...not much of a loss but co sifering the junk i put into me pie hole im shocked its not a gain...
Reena, athough this isn't a traditional curry recipe, I found this satistfies some of my curry cravings. I've cooked it quite a lot & have varied the spices that I use to do different flavours. i found it very adaptable. I found it on the recipe thread. Look back quite far & there is a huge variety of spicy options lurking in the recipe thread that can be adapted for personal taste.

keep going on dukan, you will be glad in the long run xx

Thabk u darling. Like i said the currys are not an issue ive made loads since been on dukan its the rice and chappati that i miss not the actual curry. The chewy texture of the chappati ohhhhh yum.

Im definately a food addict cant eat enough im greedy on foods.

Need to persevere. The better i stick to it the more il lose and quicker i can go to the conso where i can have cake n chapari n rice all be it once a week.

Havent drank enough water this week.

If anyone got substitute to chappati pls tell me ? Gallete grilled?

Just imagining a proper dukan week and potential loss i could have. That should remain my focua

Got just under two stone to go....cant believe i made a loss today official weigh in
Reena try that mug cake I put on the recipe thread today it is amazing - just like m and s melt in the middle choc cake!
Well done on the weight loss Reena but don't be fooled you can cheat & still lose. Come on chick knuckle down & get the rest of the weight off x
FIrstly thanks for all the slaps on the face and bum and thanks trudy for visitin my diary and advising me !! and sharing my pain with me

I have been BAD BAD BAD and have had a PIECE OF CAKE with my HUBBY but now after having it (head hanging shamefully - tutting at myself) - it didnt feel as satisfying as the feeling of wanting it i thought it would be so amazing. so now that i have eaten it i feel taste buds are changing it seems - not as happy as i thought id be infact im starting to feel a little sick as the icing frosting thing was a bit too sweet.

NExt birthday bash where i have to be bad for the evening will be my sisters 21st which is the 15th MArch. so i am vowing to be extra good and from tomorwo i am starting the 30 mins walking that i should have started weeks ago as well (not done any excerise since this started). if i be really really good now until that point i will be happy. this gives me a good month and a half to make a serious stab.


I FEEL SICK NOW i have to remember this feeling - i no my cravings will be at bay now as there no more distractions until march (and i feeel sick not guilty !!!). Valentines has been decided to be a card only thing this year so that way i wont be tempted with naughty chocs. but the thought of eating anything choc crisp or biscuit is making me want to vomit - glad i did this to me as this is the feeling i should remember. (am somewhat suprised) i could normaly eat half that 'serves 14' cake on my own before the diet started and i wouldnt even feel sick!!

damage done im expecting the weight to sts next weigh in cos that was one mighty cake slice. butter cream and frosting choclate stars etc.

JOJO that horrible thought did occur to me today that i can eat rubbish cheating and stil lose but it could so easily be a gain.

i am going to step up the game from this time im allwoing myselg a cheat is 15MARCH for sis 21st. something to work towawrds...!!!

need to think of new ways to motivate me ..!!

reena try that mug cake i put on the recipe thread today it is amazing - just like m and s melt in the middle choc cake!

yes will look into this one

thanks xx
Reena, now you havent had a kick out of eating the cake, you know your not missing anything so come on Lass, between now and your sister birthday lets see how mich you can loose xxx well done xxx