Total Solution Restart!!!!! Need all the support i can get :)

If I didn't have a toddler n baby to look after I would have suffered the night without it just to stay in ketosis :(
Jumped on the scale 87.4kg... How can that happen with just chicken soup n lemsip??
Hi Noor don't get disheartened. The weight gain in false weight once you get over your cold you will be on the way down again. Hope you feel better soon.
Mere x
How are you feeling now Noor ?:)
Hi Noor don't get disheartened. The weight gain in false weight once you get over your cold you will be on the way down again. Hope you feel better soon.
Mere x

I hope it's false, I've worked hard for al the weightloss :(
Hi Noor It will be false weight you cannot possibly put on that much weight with some soup and a little honey. Take care of yourself.
Mere x
I feel like crap...
Auch, thats rubbish Noor :(
I hope you can have plenty of rest and fluids to help you get rid
Take care x
Auch, thats rubbish Noor :(
I hope you can have plenty of rest and fluids to help you get rid
Take care x

Can't drink much fluids and I can barely talk. But I want to go back on the diet from tmrw. I know the biggest problem will taking down the fluids cause my throat is very soar :(
Hi Noor sorry you are still so sore. I don't think you should be rushing back to the diet yet as your body needs nourishment to help you recover. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Mere x
Hi Noor hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself x
Thats rubbish Noor.... but you need to get better first before getting back on the diet :)
I hope a good nights sleep helps to heal you :)
Thats rubbish Noor.... but you need to get better first before getting back on the diet :)
I hope a good nights sleep helps to heal you :)

Not completely healed but I've had 2 medium eggs in the morning and 1 1/2 litre of water so far. For the rest of the day I'm on shakes!
Hi Noor
I think you are on the mend. Take care.
Mere x
Thats great Noor :)
88.4kg :(
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Noor you have been unwell and only gone up a little. Once you are 100% better you will lose it again. :D
Mere x
31 mins on xtrainer and burned 400 cals, I am exhausted!! Yes Mere hopefully ill knock that extra weight off and a little more by next Friday......