Returning to CD without cheating.


I am starting cd tomorrow and feel extremely nervous as I have been on this before and could not stick to it religiously. I need to lose the wight as I am trying to conceive. I am 6lbs overweight to be considered for ivf treatment for which I have an appointment next week.

I really need the motivation to keep on this and I hoping I can find it here:'-)

I don't just want to lose weight for the ivf appointment I actually want to lose it for life. I want to be my ideal weight (ie 8st 8lb)) as it has been along time since I've been that(10years). I am only 5ft tall

I've been married 10 years and yes you're right that's when I started piling on the weight. I have fluctuated between 11 and 12 stones for the last few years. But now I have had absolute enough and want to just lose it once and for all. I am tired of always having to be on 'diet'.i am tired of being referred to as being overweight in my social groups.

My friends aren't that big and therefore I find them to be unsupportive in my mission, they say things like 'start your diet tomorrow' or 'what's the point you always give up' and this has made me lose all confidence in being able to do it.

When I did it previously my work colleagues kept insisting it was dangerous and now that I've told them I'm starting again they're all giving me grief, just a couple of them who are also my friends are being supportive and have said they will help me keep to it.

My family are all big n therefore we all struggle. They're very supportive and when I lose weight they're very proud. But nights with the family is test of the will power as they eat to the extreme.

My husband is the oddest. He does on put on weight easily and in all these years he's never said anything but now he's applying the pressure. He's trying to say n do the right things but I end up upset over his comments.

So really in this journey I am looking for people to encourage and motivate me. I do not want to cheat at all. I don't think I can afford to as if my BMI is not 30 or under then I wont be allowed on the treatment and thats gonna have a knock back. Also I want to prove I am not a quitter.

If anyone does read this then thankyou in advance for reading my rant.
Hey Maz, welcome back. :hug99: And no need to apologise for ranting - that's what lots of come here to do at some point, and the great thing about Minimins is that the folks here understand, perhaps better than most.

Cambridge isn't dangerous. It's extreme, sure, but if you're reasonably healthy (being overweight notwithstanding) it isn't dangerous. Certainly not as dangerous as being overweight is (a point that so many of the naysayers seem to miss... :sigh:). It's actually one of the most tested diets in the world so if there was something fundamentally wrong with it, someone would have made a big thing of it by now, you can be sure.

Now - the returning thing. Yep, it's perhaps harder to return than it is to do this diet the first time. But it doesn't have to be. It's all in the state of mind.

Believe you can do this. Say, "I can do this!" every time a doubt comes into your mind, every time you're tempted to eat something you shouldn't. Because you can. You're just as likely to succeed on this diet as you're are on any other. No matter what diet you do, there are bad days. But the fantastic thing about Cambridge is that results come thick and fast. You can be a stone lighter in a fortnight, a stone and a half lighter by the end of the first month. That knocks seven bells out of anything you might achieve on conventional diets.

So just make your mind up to give it everything you've got. Be selfish about it. Don't let anyone stand in your way, because this is all about you achieving what you deserve to achieve.

And most of all, whatever happens, whatever slip ups you might have along the way, keep going, okay?
you have to keep telling yourself that you are doing this for yourself and prove to yourself and everyone around you that you are worth all of this and more. you have some very important reasons to want to lose weight so keep those reasons very close to your heart so that it will always be a reminder to you if you ever feel like your going to slip up.

it is so very important to have support around you at work and at home and obviously you seem to have a mixed response from people.
cambridge diet is not extreme and the thing that is extreme and dangerous is being overweight... everyone should be supporting you 100%.

i notice you mentioned that your family are all big. maybe you could try and get a member of your family to join you on CD... and then you will have someone to walk the journey with... (we're here for you too ofcourse)

all the best hun. prove it to everyone that you can do this.. coz you can! x
My greatest successes come when I don't think about others and just think about me. Tis hard when you are used to putting others first and seeking their approval.
Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to starting this now. Still a bit nervous, but as u all say it will be hard but I have to remember my reasons for doing this and I have plenty.
maz176 said:
Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to starting this now. Still a bit nervous, but as u all say it will be hard but I have to remember my reasons for doing this and I have plenty.

Hi Maz! I've got an appt at the fertility clinic at the end of March and that's why I'm doing this too. I'm going to loose as much as I can but doubt ill be under the 30 bmi. Too old to wait any longer though . Chin up we will get there x
When I restarted this time, I was nervous for some reason, and so on the day of my restart I ate two slices of Christmas cake and a pasta dinner, and messed around for the next few days. But then I got my head into it and now I've been 100% for two weeks. I guess what I'm saying is, don't let any initial slip-ups make you feel you can't do it, just keep telling yourself you can.
Hi guys thankyou for the support. It's day two and I've done well so far, no slip ups. I weighed myself yesterday and I have 6lbs to lose to reach a bmi of 30. That's step 1 out of the way, then I needs to lose 40lb to reach my ideal weight.

I'm sticking to it this time till the end as I really want to taste success this time as opposed to being a quitter. I have set myself to remain on the diet strictly for 60 days, 1 gone 59 to go. I think that should get me near to my goal but not to the end. I can't stretch the 60 days as my nephews getting married 1st week of April so I don't want to be on the shakes in that week. So here's to 60 successful days on the diet
HI Maz,

well done for starting again - i've been messing around with it since Christmas and can't get going so I know how tough it is. I keep saying tomorrow and using that as an excuse to binge today because I can't tomorrow - and yup tomorrow never comes. Keep going - the 60 day plan sounds like a great idea
Hey setas,
It was hard to restart but I already feel good about it. Im glad I'm doing something as opposed to just feeling sorry for myself. I feel like I'm finally proving to myself, more than others, that when I put my mind to something I can achieve it.

Day 3 and I feel really good, not a single cheat. Woohoo.

Count down 57 days to go after today!
Day 4 on the diet an I feel good, I feel lighter already, no more horrid feeling of over eating n then being upset or cheating n then ruining the day by eating loads more.

Only aspect I'm struggling with is socialising outside work. I keep getting invited to parties and people's houses and I'm having to say no because I feel like I'm gonna break the diet.

56 days to go after tomorrow
I updated this n it's disappeared?

So here goes day 4 n I feel good. I was expecting tone very lethargic n thought is be in the verge of giving up. But on the contrary I'm proud I've dine it and that in itself is an energy booster.

I'm hungry, have had one and a half shakes, off to have the other half.
I have had my ivf appointment today and I have hit target of bmi 30 wooohoo. Need to remain on diet till I get to bmi 25 so I can feel good.

I remained in the diet without cheating all last week. My biggest achievement do far.

I now don't want to cheat as I have seen the difference it an make. Everyone at work keeps telling me I look really good. My clothes fit better.

Next aim is to lose 8 lbs in 2-3 weeks. I am wishing I lose it in 2 weeks but don't want to be disappointed if I lose less and that will lead to binge eating.

Days left on the diet 51.
Thank you guys.

I'm feeling a bit down today, don't know why. All I want is junk food. I will not give in though. I have to reach my target of 9st once n for all. I have to prove to myself as well as all the others that I can see this through right to the end.
:-( strayed off diet yesterday, ended up going to pizza hut n eating everything on the menu.:'-( felt crap all day today as too many carbohydrates in the body. Have stuck to it today but feel rough:-( I regret my blip but I must carry in:'-(
Everyone has those days hunni, don't be too hard on yourself. got through today alright :)
Just think about the reasons you're doing this and keep going. You CAN do this!