Rolling, rolling.....soon no more...


Full Member
Think I already have a diary here somewhere buried in this forum but can't find it. I have started many diaries but always abandoned it at one point.

I have been vegan since January (time flies....) and I lost 10 Kilos (almost 2 stone)...until I discovered how to make my own vegan junk food.. cough! I put about 3 (half stone) back on...on top of that my exercise level is nowhere near as high since I started working from home...

My hubby also needs to lose weight so we decided to start again last night.
However, I always felt I never really lost weight on green days. Probably too many beans ;) Maybe I just need to be more patient.

At my biggest I weighed 100 Kilos (16 Stone) - but that's years ago. I lost 5 Stone on WW and doing loads of cycling in my physical job. I then weighed 11 Stone for ages. However, because my exercise levels dropped I was a trim 11 stone at one point and then I was a chubby 11 Stone...exercise makes such a difference! When I got married and started working from home I put on 3 1/2 stone. So it was a constant up and down. Now I really want to get back to a trim 11 stone (when I was 11 stone I still felt fat, now I wish I was back at my old weight).

Anyhoo...I started my morning with:

2 Hex B's - 56 grams porridge mixed with some Polenta (to bulk it up ;-)) - 1 Banana
and 2 tsp date syrup

1 Hex A 400 ml Kara Coconut Milk for my Porridge and Coffee

1 Coffee

Will be updated throughout the day...