Room for a newbie?


Full Member
Well I wondered if I can join you all please?
My dieting history started 4 years ago and I lost 6 stone on Cambridge diet,5 of that has gone back on over the years and I have tried restarting cd,tried lipotrim ,tried exante and tried healthy eating and so far haven't managed to stick to any of them :mad:
So tomorrow I'm going to start slim fast, never used it before but feeling very positive and I'm determined to do it this time.
I've had a gym membership since jan and only been a handful of times. What exercise do you do? There is a gym, classes and swimming.
Anyway I've weighed this morning and I'm 15st 31/2lb :cry: that's the heaviest I've been since before I started cd :cry:
Looking forward to getting to know you all and picking up hints and tps along the way
Cddietgal x
Of course there is!
I've only been doing SlimFast for 3/4 days now but I've found this website incredibly useful :) I find having other people to kind of 'report' to and people watching my weightloss with me keeps me motivated as I don't want to let myself or others down. We have a sub-forum where you can keep a diary which I would highly recommend!

As for exercise, I walk a lot and do a highland dancing class every Sunday. I enjoy walking as it also helps clear my mind and I don't really consider it exercise. I hate sports but I found Highland Dancing about 6 years ago and have been doing it ever since. That's not so much about weightloss though (although I'm sure it helps!) it's more for enjoyment and fun :)

I wish you the best of luck on your journey and hope to see more of you on here :)
Also, I've just weighed myself and I'm 3lbs lighter than a few days ago so super happy with the results! I'm rarely hungry on this diet too. It really is great, as long as you are determined you will succeed :D xx
Thank you and wow 3lb lighter, now that's my idea of keeping motivated
I'll also look out for the daily diary, sounds like a good idea xx
Yeah watching others lose weight on the plan motivates me too :)
I know this diet works if you stick to it now and I've only been doing it for a few days! Really excited about my Wednesday weigh-in!