Sagging Skin - Prevention Article

I was told by a doctor and consultant that with any form of weight loss whether its CD or operations, watever your skin looks like 3/4 months after u have reached your target weight is the skin you will be left with for the rest of your life. It also depends how big the person is and for how long, pregnancy is only 9months, if someone has been very overweight for many years, this will have more of an effect on the skin loosing elasticity and it also depends if the person has lost and gained alot of weight more than once, as this puts pressure on the skin also. And not everyone who has a band or bypass is 50stone :p and people getting it done on the nhs are certainly not looking for a quick fix as you still have to lose weight before being allowed one and wait around 2 years for it hehe :)

Most of what I said was used as an example and not as medical backing or facts.