Sassys JUDD journey


Full Member
Hi everyone,

Another newbie to the JUDD woe. I've been on it for the past week and this morning was my first weigh in! I've either lost 5lbs or 3lbs as I can't remember my exact starting weight, but I'm delighted either way!

I think I've tried every diet under the sun but this woe just seems to suit since I no longer have to deny myself any goodies and manage to survive the DDs by telling myself I can have whatever I want tomorrow!

I lost 8.5 stone with Cambridge back in 2009, fell pregnant and put quite a bit on during the pregnancy and I'm now 2.5 stone heavier than my all time low which is what I'm aiming to lose with JUDD.

I've been stalking you all for a few weeks now and decided it was time to "out myself" by starting my own diary and hopefully you'll all help to keep me on the straight and narrow!!

So today is an up day, not really been tracking up days but will come here to keep track of my DDs as well as logging on MFP.

Hope to chat to some of you soon x
Just had a full pot of Morrisons chicken curry and rice soup and have to say it was absolutely delicious! At only 170 cals for half a pot, these will be a DD staple from now on x
Hi and welcome, brilliant 1st week loss, thats one of my fave soups at the moment, I think it would be ok with some cauli rice as a meal too what do you think? If you like that try some of the A is for Azteca Skinny soup, it was on offer for a £! last week in Morrisons not sure if it still is this week? Anyway its like a chilli soup and only 90 cals per half pot delish x
Hello fellow newbie. I'm only on my third day so far, but I've been reading about JUDDDing for a while. That soup sounds lovely, I'll keep an eye out for that. My weekly shop is tomorrow (an UD), so I'll be shopping for plenty of goodies!

Good luck on your JUDDD journey!
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Thanks ladies! That soup sounds fab for 90 cals, also loving the skinny butternut squash soup, very thick and yummy!

Boyfriend is in the kitchen making me a chicken burger, looking forwards to it! How can this be a diet??! Lol I love it! X
Love the butternut squash too, thats unbelievable for 100 cals for half the pot and its so thick , creamy and yummy, I have some for my DD tomorrow x Enjoy your burger x
Good morning!

Today is a DD and I've taken on an extra shift so will be working 4pm til 10pm! So good for today looks like this....


The 140 cals is for a ham sandwich to take to work with me :) x
That looks like a decent day's eating for a DD! You seem to be doing great.
Also, great idea to just screencap your diary. Saves you have to type it all out every day!
Evening all :)

Well I've really enjoyed my UD today (maybe a little too much!) Had some yummy food including some chocolate cake as a wee treat! No idea of calories but think I've probably gone over slightly! Not to worry, onwards and downwards tomorrow! X
Hello judderers!

Today has been messed up due to last minute plans which have turned today's DD into an UD. It wouldn't be so bad but I've also got planned UDs for Saturday, Sunday AND Monday :( ! Don't expect to have a loss come Tuesdays weigh in so will probably skip it and weigh next week instead to save the depression of the scales not moving or more likely having a gain!

Going to attempt a double DD on Tuesday and Wednesday to get me back on track and also I'm off work Monday til Thursday so will get some gym time in too and hopefully that will help!

I really hate it when life gets in the way! Lol, oh well not to worry and just trust the wonder that is judd! After all it's a marathon, not a race :) x