Saturday weigh in

Weight loss today -1.5lbs. Also found out that i got Slimmer of the week last week (our group was cancelled as the leader was with her daughter who was having her baby)

Happy so far!
pretty disappointed with a stay the same this week - have been 100% - I have only lost 7.5lb's in 5 weeks - on Red days I used to lose that almost in my first week = OK I am older now - OK I can't exercise because of my bad leg - but I don't think my body is tolerating the carbs with EE so going back to red this week..................going out for a meal tonight - can't promise to be good - but won't go totally over the top as I would REALLY like a decent weight loss next Saturday morning.

All the best everyone. oh & sons GF lost another 2lb's (after a weeks holiday !) and got her stone award in 5 weeks. Well done to her.
I started doing the Slimming World eating plan from home 2 weeks ago and always weigh myself on a Saturday. Last week was week 1 and i lost 5lb and today when i got on the scales i have lost 4lb. To say i am chuffed is an understatement. I do realise that it wont always be like this but i am going to carry on doing what i'm doing until i am once again thin lol xx
hi everybody, i'm back after a very long break, 3 weeks holidays, plus 3 weeks health problems, and i am happy that after so long without even thinking of eating properly, i still managed to lose a bit !
so hopefully now i am back on tracks, done my weekly menu and shopping, just need to go for it !0

well done to everybody for their losses !
daydream said:

Dont loose hope, there is a lady in our group and on her first week she only lost 1lb as well. HOWEVER she is now 5 weeks later Slimmer of the Month for last month, some peoples bodys take a week to adjust to the change, depending on age and your old eating habits. She said her trick was in the second week she drank a 1ltr of water everyday to help her body start to flush.

Shes now making great losses every week. Dont be dishartended i eat a LOT of carbs its just your body reacting diffrently to others.

Also look at a lbs worth of sugar thats the weight you lost in a week! And plus you have already made the hard start and started your journey.

Have faith and continue what your doing, we are all going to cheer you along x


Thank you so much for your lovely words! I'm feeling positive. I'm enjoying the plan and feel better. Less bloated and more awake?! If that makes sense???

Well done on your loss! I can see from you guys that it does work. I'm not cheating so the results will show if I carry on I'm sure.

Thanks again
Lost 4lbs this week :) makes up for the 4.5lb gain I have last week after my hols !!!!

Back in the zone again, I hope.

Good Luck for the week ahead
Hi All, I'm new here and joined sw just over a week ago - this is such a great site for support and meal ideas

very impressed with my 3.5lb loss yesterday.... :D
Can I join? Getting weighed on a Saturday morning with the dreaded baseline weigh in today :-( got more work to do than I thought but chin up!
Not quite sure what my scales will say on Saturday after a week in France, we came back late Monday night, was about 80% on Tuesday and yesterday (Wednesday). Had a 3.5lbs gain when I weighed in Tuesday morning after hols taking me back up to 12st 6.5lbs. So desperate now to get into the 11's
Not sure what the scales will say today, weighed at home and it sts....been really good this week so a little disappointed. Lots of walking too....anyway here goes...