Scared of the plane - HELP

Lighterlife Claire, I can totally empathise with you. I had to have a seat extension on a plane on the outward journey. I was mortified as I had to ask for it when I was seated...there was just no way that I could squeeze myself into the belt. So, on my return journey I asked a member of the cabin crew for an extender on my way into the plane. She very discreetly gave me one. However, when I sat in the seat i thought I would try the seatbelt without it as there was nobody else around lol. Well guess what, I could close it with a couple of inches to spare! I couldn't believe I just tucked the extender into the pocket in the seat in front. Exact same plane...just different seat number! Anyway, I would suggest that you might be a wee bit less embarrassed if you ask for it on your way into the cabin rather than when you're seated with all the other people around you.
I also have to say, I think you're right about sticking to your diet plan. I too have lost weight...6 stones one time, 8 stones another time etc in very short periods of time... and put all of it back on again. I'm hoping that this time it will stay off as I'm trying to lose weight slowly and steadily with a healthy lifestyle. So far so good!

Good luck
I think you are probably right not to try to lose it quickly on a vlcd. They are brilliant for an emergency weight loss, but lots of people regain after - believe me I know what I am talking about. Not all regain, but a lot do. Losing weight at the rate of 2lbs a week gives you a 7 stone loss in a year so that isn't bad. Also you won't have the dangers of the possibility of hair loss, gallstone problems, dizziness, bad breath etc. Good luck.
It's an individual thing, diets suit some & not others. Ultimately we're all fat because we take in more calories than we use. Dieting & then going back to the same size portions as before, well it doesn't take much to realise that's going to end in tears! (been there, done that!:eek:)
That may be where VLCLDs are a problem in that they don't necessarily address any underlying issues you have about food, or test your knowledge of calorific values. Although I have to say that the majority of seriously obese people I have spoken to are actually pretty clued up on fat/carbs/calories, it's usually portion control that is the issue. For me though, I *need* that quick drop to keep me on the straight & narrow at the start (even then it's hard!)
Anyway OP if you have a goal in sight it's much easier to keep on the straight & narrow. If you try to be as active as possible you can certainly make a big differance to your flying experience. Hope that you have a great holiday!
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