see this on FB, thought it might help :)


Silver Member
First, let me tell you about Gabby. Gabby is 180 pounds and would dearly love to be 130 pounds. So she joins a weight loss class and starts a diet. In the first week she loses 4 pounds. Her reaction? "Fantastic!" "At this rate, I'll be 130 pounds in 3 months or less! Yippee!"

However, in the second week she loses nothing. Her reaction? "Disaster! Panic! Help! - I'm a useless fat lump!"

But she perseveres (grudgingly) and in week three loses another 2 pounds. Her reaction? "Big deal!"

So after three weeks dieting, she has lost 6 pounds which is perfect for someone of her weight. But it's not good enough for Gabby. As far as Gabby is concerned, it's no big deal. And over the next fortnight, all her enthusiasm flies out the window. Why?

Because it has dawned on Gabby that if she continues to lose 2 pounds a week, it's going to take her 6 months to slim down to her dream size. And Gabby does not have 6 months to wait. Because Gabby is much too busy. Poor old Gabby. She refuses to accept that losing weight takes time. Unfortunately, until she changes her attitude she will never lose weight in a thousand years.

Now take Kate, another member of Gabby's weight-loss group, who is exactly the same height and weight as Gabby. She loses weight at the same speed as Gabby, but her attitude to dieting is completely different. She knows it's easy to lose weight at the start of a diet, because most of it is fluid.

So when she loses 4 pounds in week one, she doesn't rush out and celebrate. She just stays calm and carries on dieting.

Equally, when she loses nothing in week two, she doesn't panic or get depressed. She just takes it in her stride and carries on dieting.

You see, Kate isn't really bothered WHAT happens in the first few weeks. She is much more concerned about the long term. So she bides her time and carries on. In fact, she carries on dieting and gradually shedding pounds for the next 12 weeks. Result? She loses a total of 30 pounds. Then celebrates! She takes her husband's credit card on a shopping trip and buys a gorgeous red dress which makes her look ten years younger!

She wears the dress to a local wedding and guess who she meets? Gabby! The same old Gabby who didn't have the patience to spend 3 months dieting. The same old Gabby who is now even fatter. The same old Gabby who is now crammed into elasticated pants and looking tired, red-faced and distinctly uncomfortable.

After the wedding, Kate goes back on her diet. She still has weight to lose. However, the reaction of her family and friends to her new slim shape has given her a real boost. Result? She finds dieting a lot easier. After four months later she is down another 30 pounds.

Meanwhile, Gabby too has been busy. She has started and stopped several new diets. Why does she keep stopping? Because the diets are too 'slow' for her liking. Remember, Gabby does NOT have time for slow diets. She's a fast-tracker!
I have been Gabby in the past. Got to get your head on properly and realise it takes time. It would be lovely if it melted overnight but sadly life isn't like that. I wanna be a Kate!
Know what you mean. Just cos I have my head on at the mo doesn't mean it will stay that way! Hope it does as I'm trying all sorts of things to keep it up and I have to say that this site has been a godsend for me!
This is soo true never think oh it's just a pound! Because all them little pounds add up to a stone then 2 then 3! I used to have the attitude of oh it takes forever an I can't be bothered finally into that mindset now of it doesn't matter when it all comes off all that matters is that it does! Been dieting for 6 an a half months and I look back at pics of last Christmas and I'm so glad I preserved because I would have been bigger and bigger and bigger now im getting smaller an smaller and smaller! Thank you for posting this it puts it all into perspective :)
Fantastic :) I always was gabby.... I am determined to Kate now ;)
Might have to print this off and stick on the fridge :) x
This is just what I needed to read to put things into perspective. I have lost 9 pounds in 4 weeks which I am happy with but I know that this week I will stay the same. This is because 'life' happens, there will always be weeks where it is not possible for me to lose weight but if I can maintain I know that I am still heading in the right direction and it doesn't matter how long it takes. I prefer the scenic route than the motorway :)
i'm glad i've started my journey as a kate. i've never done weight loss before. I always call myself a plodder, some weeks it is half a lb off, others it is more, but it meant when i got to 6 months at slimming world i had lost 3 stone. I can tell you it has been the easiest 3 stone I have ever lost! What's more I know it took more than 6 months to put that weight on too. Here's to all kate and kate-wannabes!
Thankyou for posting this.
I have so been a Gabby in the past and have started and given up on so many diets but I'm glad I am not alone.
Determined to be a Kate this time.
I think this is brilliant and something most of us do. I keep telling myself that its a longterm change and have added myself to the xmas challenge thread to try and help. Going to copy this and show it to a few friends x