Self sabotage

Even though I feel I've binged this week I've still been within my points so I have to trust the system and see what happens at WI. I could have made some healthier choices though regarding what I've eaten.

I don't think you need to choose healthy over unhealthy when it comes to pro points.
Everything has it's points value, as long as it's pointed and within your plan, I think you're welcome to as much "unhealthy" as you like.
Well, maybe not like eating KFC every day, but as long as it's pointed and in your points, why not treat yourself to a KFC instead of a salad?!

Every day since starting, I've had 2 weetabix & a banana for my breakfast.
For lunch I usually have a meal I've made up with my points - such as turkey jetters & chips, or a fish cake sandwich and just pointed it up.
Then for my evening meal I usually have a WW frozen meal.
After all this, it leaves me with between 5 and 8 pp left for snacking.
And I don't choose healthy snacks - I choose biscuits, cakes, muffins, ice cream, whatever takes my fancy but still within points.

As you saw, I had a dilemma the first time I chose to use my final 3 points on a packet of chewits, cuz I felt they were naughty. But you all advised me that because they were in my points allowance, I was entitled to eat them. And that's how I'm going from now on.

Also, with regard to motivation - do you have someone you can buddy up with? A friend you can go out with on your dog walks, or a bike ride, a zumba class, swimming, the gym or something?!
I know that if I've planned to go to the gym with my friend, I'm more motivated to go as I can't stand letting people down.
Also, do you have a supportive partner? Make a deal with them.
Before joining the gym, I made a deal with my boyfriend that I biked a minimum of 25 miles per week.
It was a nice challenge because there was no time restrictions, nothing saying I had to do a certain amount of miles or minutes each day, I just had to get it done by the end of the week. Then if it rained one day, or not feeling too energetic, then I could make it up on a different day.
And then he'd praise me, tell me how proud he was of me, or give me a treat like a back massage.
The biggest motivation he has on me now though is that he's paying for half my gym membership. If I don't go, I'm not only wasting my money, but his as well.
He's very supportive =D

Would that be something you could possibly do?! Make a workout pact, with a small reward?
Or make a milestone chart - each time you lost half a stone, or get your 5%, 10%, stone etc, you get a treat?
Sort the treats out beforehand - have them in view, so you can see what you're working towards.

Sorry, I've rambled, but just sharing how I stay motivated - keep going through.
Share your goal with as many people as possible in your life.
Be accountable.
The more people that know, the more motivated you'll be to keep on track because you'll have more people to explain yourself to =)
I suppose when it comes to me, I panic about eating 'unhealthy' snacks and think "how can I lose weight eating chocolate everyday?", but in reality I know it DOES work for others because the points system is designed that way.

I do need to have more faith and stop beating myself up over what I eat. I don't eat mcdonalds every day (I think even ww would advise against that!) and a bit of chocolate as a treat in the evening isn't going to make me gain stones.

I'm just sorting out going for a walk with a friend now. Hopefully that will be something we can do together, I do go to the gym 2-3 times a week and so far haven't had a problem regarding that. I pay £20 a month and I don't want that to be for nothing!

I like the idea about working out treats for each milestone I reach. I'll have a talk with my boyfriend about it and see what we can come up with!

And you didn't ramble, you were very helpful, thank you!
Yeah, I'm making the most of the gym because it is costing money, so I'm bloody well going to use it haha.
I've been in once so far this week, with more planned, as well as 4 classes booked, including aquafit tonight.

But yes, definitely speak to your boyfriend.
Mine is by far my biggest motivation. And although I'm losing the weight for me and me only, I know that me losing the weight is going to benefit him. He's gonna have a slimmer girlfriend, someone who feels better and more confident about herself and how she looks and someone who can keep up with him cuz he has a hell of a lot of energy.

Another way of getting out and doing more exercise, which can also be a social activity is something called geocaching. I used to do it all the time, but have recently got out of the swing of doing it. In case you haven't heard of it, it's a hi-tech treasure hunt where you're given the co-ordinates of pieces of tupperware people have put out in the world and you go find it.
Many people place "trails" - high numbers of caches often in circles, where you move from one to another, finding them, and clocking up a decent walking mileage.
I really enjoy it but have lost motivation recently. Need to get back out there.

Good luck weighing in =D
2lb on, feel a little depressed but I knew to expect it really. Still, onwards and upwards!

Geocaching does sound fun!
right back on it ok unpentium! You can doooo it!!!
I self sabotage too, always seems to be the day before WI that i want to go daft when i cant. Puts me in a right grump. Thing is my WI is 10 am so i allow myself a choc treat if i've lost and not point it. Sort of like being a wee bit naughty without going crazy.

Also my OH has said for each stone i lose he'll buy me a yankee candle (love em!) I already have quite a collection and with 9 stone to lose its only gonna get bigger!
I've done so well today, having a planned treat this evening in the form of a chinese. Looking forward to it!
I am guilty of it. But no more. At the end of the day I want to lose weight and I cannot do that by binging on food or crap. I want to lose weight more than I want any food, so I am telling myself it just simply is not acceptable to eat anything out with my points allowance and if i do, I starve for a day or two because I have no points left haha and I don't fancy that
Me too!

I'm getting there, I think. I've had a good week so far minus one little blip.
Ugh I think I might have blown it. Eaten all my dailies and it's not even 3pm! Have 39 weeklies left and going to a party tonight so have to make sure I don't go over those.
I believe in you ununpentium!
At your party try sticking to diet drinks & waters etc.
Then you won't be drinking too many points.
Enjoy yourself, but resist.
Are you going with your boyfriend?!
Make a deal with him.
If you're good tonight, maybe he can treat you with a romantic evening or a date to the cinema or something later in the week.
Also, can you get in any exercise before the party? Earn a few activity points to use later...
You could also spend some time exercising over the weekend - a bike ride, walking the dog etc, gain back some extra points to go alongside your weeklies.
You'll do it.
Those 2lbs you put on this week will go at your next weight in.
I believe in you!
Btw, I hope you don't find anything I say patronising.
The last post had stuff in it that can seem obvious, but when you're on a downer and think it's ruined, people can often just think forget it and just carry on with their blip.
I'm not posting to patronise, I'm posting to support, to remind you that it's not the end, that you can get through it and reminding you of how you can make the best of the situation =)
Ive just been to spoons and used all of my weeklies!! But its ok cause i am within them and not over!!
What day do you weigh in Freyjz?
I weigh in on a wednesday!!
So still a couple of days before weighing.
How you planning on continuing with the week now you've used your weeklies? Just stick to your dailies? Or earn yourself some activity points?
I believe whatever you choose will be right for you, just curious how people go on in the situations.
I try and avoid using my weeklies at all. And atm, I'm struggling to even use up my 27 dailies as I'm obsessed with eating a low point sandwich for one of my meals, meaning I have extra points for snacks - but feeling that perhaps it's too many atm.
Ah well... I'll adjust I'm sure. Or get sick of the sandwiches and move on to higher meals.
Well i dont normally eat all my dailys anyway, and the only reason i used my weeklies is because they had run out of salad and such at spoons (again!!!) So had a burger!! But its ok i normally dont use my weeklies, but ahh well!! Ive done alot of walking today :)
No you didn't seem patronising elfy! But I massively binged yesterday BEFORE the party! At the party I was okay and ate a 'normal' amount.

Thankfully I didn't put any weight on. Eating less points until my weigh in Tues to compensate though just in case.
we all binge a bit now and again the main thing is to not let it ruin the rest of your week :)