September Starters

thanks for hint andy
just checked out your tracker your doing so well!!!!!!!
am i doing something wrong?
have got to 50 posts but still dont seem to be able to see any pics etc

Is there anyone else on week 7 who is finding this week incredibly horrible, or is it just me!?

I have heard it's a hard week. But DAMN, my brother has actually hidden the knives in fear I will kill him for eating around me!

B x
Bekimo, I'm on week 7 and yes, I'm having some issues. Nothing that will stop me from keeping going but I'm thinking about food way too much. It's the hardest week so bfar for me - possibly because I had a few days off which meant more time to think about things.
well i didnt have that on week 7...finishing week 9 today and all day id like something haha!! smells are bugging me today, and usually it wouldnt!!

I think that, as SSers - going through LL in the winter is always going to be a lot harder. Cold weather makes me want to eat, early evenings makes me want to eat and, think how much more water we'd all be drinking if it were mid summer right now.

On the upside however, going through it now means that we'll all be bikini-beautiful by next summer (you too Andy!)
hey hows everyone doing?
i lost 4lbs this week so very happy with that and clarified i actually lost 3lb last week not 2.2 like i thought...woohoo!!
only 18more to go haha
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 6, Wednesday, 10st, lost 33lb so far (7st 9lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 8 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 36.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 5 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 23lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 6 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 35lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 8 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 31lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 5 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 33lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
thanks bekimo!! really happy :)

i told my oh today ive lost 38.5lbs so far and his face dropped...was brill haha!! and since june ive lost 46inches, and since starting ll ive lost 26 of these!! its brill!!!

how u doing hunni?
Well, just got back from w/i. Lost 3lb. Not over the moon, but I'm not overly negative either. Being realistic about it, I felt really bloated, and I missed loads of foodpacks this week. Just been all over the place really. It goes to show what happens when the plan is not followed to the letter!!!
Here's to a monumental loss this week after I have all my foodpacks and keep the water levels up!!

Oh, and now I'm watching Hollyoaks and crying like a child!! :cry:

B x


bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 8 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 36.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 5 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 23lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 6 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 35lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 8 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 31lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 5 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 33lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Back from my w/i too - and a bit confused. I picked up some electronic scales this week which show that I've lost 5lb, while LL scales showed only 1lb. Granted, when I weighed myself, it was in the morning, rather than at night and I hadn't just had a big drink of water but....should there be such a difference? I think I may well just go by my scales from now on as I can definitely weigh myself first thing in the morning and get a much more regulated measurement, rather than in the evenings after I may or may not have eaten or had lots of water...


bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 8 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 36.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 5 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 23lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 6 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 35lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 8 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 35.7lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 5 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 33lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Well done everyone on your losses.
I lost 5lb this week :D
well done everyone them losses are brill. xxx
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 8 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 36.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 6 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 35lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 8 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 31lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 5 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 33lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Well done everyone on their losses! I will see how I do tonight (because I have been ill again I've been struggling to get to 2l of water a day). But I'll be fine if it's not a good loss.