September Starters

bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 10 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 37.5 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 7 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 38.75lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 8 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 31lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 6 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 38.5lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
You know what Caz, I think when we finish LL, and get through RTM, if we go back to the way we ate before, we will definitely put the weight back on. But surely the reason we pay so much money over each week is to learn why we eat the way we do to stop eating like that when we reach our goal weight. I have heard far more stories about people who have maintained for years. And when I have spoken to people who put weight on, it is because they went back to "bad habits". I honestly can't see someone who has lost 3 stone on LL start to eat healthy, balanced food and do excercise and put 3 stone back on, and then some!! Or that could just be me . . .

I have my 28 day check up today and weigh in tomorrow. I am actually quite excited this week. I think it's because I don't feel quite a crappy as I did last week. And I have definitely been upping the water. Fingers crossed!!!

B x
Bekimo - I understand what you are saying. It's just that as that time approaches it is scary. Hearing the experiences of others that have failed makes you realise that the end of foundation/development is just the beginning. Although I have every good intention I am scared that if I eat just one potato then i'll start piling on the pounds. I have become scared of carbohydrates!

However I am determined never to go back to that place again. Where I didn't want to go out, meet new people, meet old friends. I hated that place and I need to remind myself of this constantly when I face challenges in the future.

Anyhow, enough of the doom and gloom I'm not there now. I look forward to going out and showing off my new body (or is that my old body lol). My dad is arriving on Thursday and he doesn't know I have been dieting. I last saw him in August. My mum knows but I think she will be shocked too. I'm so excited!!!!!
I think you have a very positive outlook for the future. Just don't focus on the potatoes! I believe it's about balance, right, and potatoes are not to be feared!! In the meantime, try and think "happy thoughts" - it's what is working for me at the moment - perhaps you will be less anxious when you get to goal! I mean it's "only food" at the end of the day!

Oh and have fun showing off to your dad! Its always fun to see someones face when they realise "it is you"!!!

B x
how was everyones wi? and good luck to everyone taday xxx
Morning girls,
Nice to see everyone again ...I was worried we were all drifting away. I really can't believe how close the end of foundation is for us now! Back in September 14 weeks looked like it would take forever and now we're nearly there.
Personally, I'm not thinking about RTM as I'm going to stay in development over the Christmas period and probably hit RTM Feb/March time.

As far as fearing food - I totally know what you all mean, but you just have to keep reminding yourself that, when the time comes for eating, your LLC should have given you all the tools you need to do it in a healthy and happy way. It's scary now because we haven't covered all the info we need yet.

Other news...on the slowing down of weight losses - I totally had that - only showing 1lb down on the LLC's scales which was really confusing as my clothes keep getting bigger and bigger. Then last week I realised I felt really crappy - very achey, bloated and my whole body (esp legs) looked puffy - I spoke to a girl at our office and she said it looked like I was a bit constipated and, as a result my body was a bit toxic. Since then I've been looking at ways to keep everything "moving" so to speak - will be trying psyllium so that I don't become too dependent on ducolax and have noticed a huge improvement. Apparently constipation can make your body hold water as well. Our LLC recommended colonic hydrotherapy - I must look on minimins to see if there's a thread about it.

Blah blah blah...oh how I do go on. How is everyone? Super sunny here in Surrey - with the windows closed and the heating on I can pretend it's summer. :)
I'm at W/I tonight. And get measurements done too! Should be an interesting night. I might try these psyllium thingys too. I never want to feel as horribly bloated as I did last week and I do have a feeling they may help with that!!
These weeks do seem to have flown past. I honestly thought it would really drag, but I have hardly noticed that I've not had a "proper meal" in 8 weeks!!

B x
Good luck with wi tonight bekimo :)

I may try these psyllium husks - what I tend to do is overdose on the oragnge drink a couple of times a week, as the malitol causes a reaction with me but it would be good to return to some sort of regularity.

I don't know how I have done this week - drinking improved yesterday but may be too late to have stopped myself having a small loss. But it's all good.

Good luck everyone else too!
Did anyone else notice their LLC measured really loosely at their first session? I noticed LLC was then measuring people tighter a few weeks on. :p

I don't think my LLC did! She was very precise in making sure her measurements were in the same place and everything. But the tape measure never seemed tighter at all!

I don't know how I have done this week - drinking improved yesterday but may be too late to have stopped myself having a small loss. But it's all good.

Don't be so hard on yourself! You never know what the scales will say! You're doing amazingly.

Good luck and lets hear all about it tonight!

B x
Hi everyone.

LS - thanks for replying about RTM. I've been reading some stuff on RTM threads. I know it's gonna be tough and am determined to stay slim. Not long to go now - 4 weeks for me until RTM. I may have to pick your brain when I get there.

We measure ourselves so of course week 1 I had a 25" inch waist lol! I guess that way it is a true result everytime.

I've not really had a constipation problem - keep the water up and that should help (easier said than done I know).

I had weigh in last night. Another 2.6 lbs gone forever. It has slowed down but I'm still losing and that's the main thing.

Good luck to everyone with WIs tonight.
Oh yes, forgot to mention. Can't believe i'm only .2 over a 'normal' BMI. Could be a good week for me next week! Parents arriving tomorrow - i'll let you all know what their reaction is.
Did anyone else notice their LLC measured really loosely at their first session? I noticed LLC was then measuring people tighter a few weeks on. :p

Now I'm a bit concerned - our LLC measured us in the first week, then someone different did them last week - there will probably be inconsistencies but I'm more interested in the inch difference I see in my own clothes - that's the reall achievement.

Andy - I found psyllium husk powder on Spirulina|Wheatgrass|Bentonite|Maca Powder|Bee Pollen - they do both husks & husk powder - What's the difference?...I have no idea. I know it can get quite gloopy once you add it to water so I got the powder. A heaped teaspoon in a glass of water (with St clements) should hopefully do the trick.

Hope everyone is doing well and w/i's are going well this week. Must do an update...
...and here it is - hopefully our most recent list:

bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 38.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 10 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 37.5 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 7 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 38.75lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 11 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 41lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 6 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 38.5lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
hey everyone good luck with the wi xx
i lost 3lb this week meaning im half a lb away from my 3stone woohoo!! starting week 11 today...ooohhh getting near now lol!!
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 41.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 10 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 37.5 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 7 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 38.75lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 11 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 41lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 6 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 38.5lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 36lb so far (7st 6lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 41.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 11 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 40.1 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 7 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 38.75lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 11 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 41lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 6 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 38.5lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Just got back!

Lost 3lb. Again. I think I'm going off on the 3lb road!! Hahaha!

Well I'm happy anyway. I'm losing weight, my trousers are all baggy on me, I'm going to see bullet for my valentine tomorrow night, my bestest bud in the whole world is coming up from Portsmouth to see me tomorrow, and I am feeling fricking fabulous.

Don't you just love days like today!

Happy Wednesday from the Beki Bubble!

B x

bekimo - Birmingham - Week 7, Wednesday, 10st, lost 39lb so far (7st 3lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 9 -wed - 4stone - 41.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 11 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 40.1 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 8, Thurs, 4st to loose -33lbs so far
Laststraw - London - Off to RTM Week 9: 27.5lb in total
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
Rach6901 -(Rach) - Leicester, Week 6 -Wednesdays - 3 and a half stone - 28lb so far.
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 7 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 30.2 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 7 - Thursdays - 7.5stone - 38.75lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 11 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 41lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 8 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 39lb so far
vintella - London - week 6 - Thursdays - 6-7 stone - 38.5lb so far
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
lol ur good mood is infectious bekimo lol!!
well done on the 3lb hun xxx
congrats to all
have posted a few pics need to get a full body really but a little scared!!
beki i'm loving your bubble hope i'm still in it tomorrow at wi
would ya look at the differnece in ur face!! god ya can really see it hunni!! oh and ur daughter is gorg!!
good luck with wi xxx