September Starters

I'm not so fussed about seeing the date people started because we have the week we are on anyhow and we can work things backward. I like to see the day people are weighing in on but really not that fussed...

Oh, good point about the stats! I didn't think about that...I'm such a meddler, but you're totally right...

Abfab September Starters List

catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 1 -10th sept (wed) - 4stone - 11.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 4 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 16.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Helen - Northumberland, Week 1, Thurs, 9lbs lost at pop in day 4
Laststraw - London - week 4 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 13lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 2 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 11.4 lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 3 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 15lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 1 - Thursdays - 9 stone - 7lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 2 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 13lb so far
Hi Lynn, just copy and paste the list into one of your replies, then add your details in the list. It goes:
name - location - week you're on - weigh in day - weight you want to lose - weight you've lost so far.
Hi All,

I'm so excited, I finally get to start tomorrow after waiting a month so can I join the happy band of September starters! I've been reading all your posts and think you are all so fantastically supportive I know I will suceed with support like that :) I'm starting after seeing so many friends of friends lose a huge amount of weight it can't just be a coincidence. I'm determined to suceed so wish me luck.
Abfab September Starters List
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 1 -10th sept (wed) - 4stone - 11.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 4 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 16.2 lbs so far

Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Helen - Northumberland, Week 1, Thurs, 9lbs lost at pop in day 4
Laststraw - London - week 4 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 13lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 2 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 11.4 lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 3 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 15lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 2 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 16lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 2 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 13lb so far
Abfab September Starters List
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 4 -wed -4stone-16.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 4 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 16.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Helen - Northumberland, Week 1, Thurs, 9lbs lost at pop in day 4
Laststraw - London - week 4 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 13lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 2 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 11.4 lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 3 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 15lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 2 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 16lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 2 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 13lb so far

OH MY GOD IM IN THE 12STONES OH MY FLIPPING GOD!! LOST 5LB this week am sooooooooooooooooooo happy haha
I know this could be me being paranoid or something, but i have been feeling icky and this afternoon felt at my worst with no energy, is it me imagining it or does this happen...
Lyn, you're in withdrawl, feeling crappy is totally normal, it just hits us all differently. Stick with it and your body will adjust and YOU WILL feel better soon.

Brilliant weight loss Catz and Tanya! You're both doing brilliantly! It's so cool to see our tickers working their way down already! Good luck for all the girls with w/i's tonight :scale:

I've lost.......4 lbs this week - 17lbs in three weeks. WOOOHOOOO!!

Good luck to those still to weigh this evening!! xxx

Abfab September Starters List
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 1 -10th sept (wed) - 4stone - 11.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 4 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 16.2 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Helen - Northumberland, Week 1, Thurs, 9lbs lost at pop in day 4
Laststraw - London - week 4 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 13lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 2 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 11.4 lbs so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 3 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 15lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 2 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 16lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
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Lyn, you're in withdrawl, feeling crappy is totally normal, it just hits us all differently. Stick with it and your body will adjust and YOU WILL feel better soon.

Brilliant weight loss Catz and Tanya! You're both doing brilliantly! It's so cool to see our tickers working their way down already! Good luck for all the girls with w/i's tonight :scale:

All i keep thinking of is food and i dont hubby has gone for his first weigh in hopefully he will come back with some good news for me, that will make me feel so much happier if he has lost im sure he has, he can now wear our wedding ring. And he can slide his watch over his hand. When he gets home, im going to have a nice hot bath and @ 10 have a nice hot chocolate.

Goodluck everyone for there weighins and well done to who all lost, must be an amazin feelin
Hey all you September starters. Between us we have lost over 8 stone which is`an average fashion model' according to Wytchy's blog. This is blooming fantastic and has cheered me up no end. Feeling a little down today despite losing 9 lbs as I have realised that I have the most weight to lose out of all of us so I will be the only one left from September starters and probably in my LL group. Boo Hoo
Tanya Jade, make that over 9 stones as I had my 2nd weigh in last night and lost another 5lb, I feel on top of the world, and with the support of family and friends, including all of you I feel I can finally achieve my goals
:)Tanya Jade - don't lose heart hun - i have 13 stones to lose. I've just put 5 stones up to start with because I can't even contemplate having the BIG amount to lose right now.;) 9lbs is a fantastic loss xxx

I don't think we can compare ourselves with others as this brings unfair comparisons a lot of the time. Let's do it for ourselves sisters!! :D
Morning girls, everyone sounds really up beat and inspired - loving it! Had my third w/i last night and have lost 4lb this week. It's a bit down on my previous losses so I think I've reached that dreaded plateau. However as long as my hula girl keeps shimmying to the right, I'm smiling.

How is everyone this morning? Have we all had our weekly w/i's now?
Hey SS - Snap - we lost the same this week.:D

Morning everyone. Well apart from my back still feeling like someone has kicked me around a football pitch - then I'm a tad more chipper than I have been of late so hopefully the anti biotics are doing their work and I shall be on the upward path!

I'm off to Oxford on Saturday to stay with some friends and I'm having a 'day off' LL. I have planned it all and shall be sensible but I don't expect a big loss next week. There is still no logical reason however with the weight I have to lose, that I should NOT lose at least a couple of pounds, but I won't be downhearted if it doesn't happen.

I only see these friends once each year so I'm really looking forward to it.

Everyone is doing so well! I love our little group!! xxxx