September Starters

very happy with a 4.5 drop. glad to hear everyone else is doing so well!!!

bekimo - Birmingham - Week 3, Wednesday, 10st, lost 20lb so far (8st 8lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 5 -wed - 4stone - 24.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 6 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 23.3 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 4, Thurs, 4st to loose -18lbs so far
Laststraw - London - week 6 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 18.7lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 28.5lbs so far
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 4 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 20.5 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 2 - Thursdays - 8stone - 17.5lb so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 6 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 24lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 3 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 14lb so far
vintella - London - week 2 - Thursdays - 7 stone - 19.5lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Not a great week for me, I struggled to get through my foodpacks and had 5 left at the end of the week (naughty, naughty). I've also struggled with my water intake. I know the reasons why, upset about cat dying and starting a new job which is 90 mins commute by car each day.

I knew my loss would be low this week and it was, 1.5lbs. But the good news is that I'm not beating myself up about it, I'm drinking my water and having my 4 foodpacks like a good girl and next week w/i will be different.

The reason I'm not upset? I stuck to the programme despite being under emotional stress and didn't give in once. I didn't turn to a bottle of wine or stuff myself with food for comfort - I'm good at this Lighterlife stuff and I'm treating my body with respect it deserves.

bekimo - Birmingham - Week 3, Wednesday, 10st, lost 20lb so far (8st 8lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 5 -wed - 4stone - 24.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 6 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 23.3 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 4, Thurs, 4st to loose -18lbs so far
Laststraw - London - week 6 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 18.7lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 28.5lbs so far
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 5 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 22 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 2 - Thursdays - 8stone - 17.5lb so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 6 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 24lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 3 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 14lb so far
vintella - London - week 2 - Thursdays - 7 stone - 19.5lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
thats still a good loss spec with the emotional stuff,(sorry bout ur cat too xxx).
the emotional stuff i think is the hardest once ur in the mindset to stick to ll.
hope ur feeling little bit better xxx
It's not nice pets dying. When my doggy died, my grandad had to drag me off the patio because I was sitting out in the rain for three hours crying!! So I really do feel for you hun!

Well done for sticking to the programme though. Just goes to prove that the CBT really works doesn't it!!

I did the same this week, missing food packs, shall not be doing that again as yesterday, when I went back to my 4 a day, I felt dreadful. Better now though. It's all temporary and mostly all in the mind me thinks!!!

B x
SV/KW - Well done on your losses this week. Oh the September girls are going strong aren't we!?

B x

They are but I'm a boy! I know my user name probably does sound a little girlie - I wanted something from the tv show Firefly as I didn't want to use my "normal" username that I use everywhere else.
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 3, Wednesday, 10st, lost 20lb so far (8st 8lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 5 -wed - 4stone - 24.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 6 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 23.3 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 4, Thurs, 4st to loose -18lbs so far
Laststraw - London - week 6 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 18.7lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 28.5lbs so far
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 5 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 22 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 3 - Thursdays - 7stone - 22lb so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 6 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 24lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 3 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 14lb so far
vintella - London - week 2 - Thursdays - 7 stone - 19.5lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far

Just reposting as my update went awol :)
ls food mentioning is not a prob for me but again if it does bother others ill try stop to!!

have had a lovely day!! the little lad was away for couple of hours so spent the morning in bed with oh, then went shopping and spend another couple of hours just the three of us!!
my oh told me this morning hes so proud of me sticking to it and loosing as much weight as i have. that i look gorgeous.
this coming from him means so much to me and it was so out of the blue that it really hit me!!

saying that he did try tempt me with some of his yummy dinner, but he nos that it doesnt bother me so i no it was only in a joking way and not a sabotaging way!!

hes gone on to work there for the night so trying to figure out if ill watch a movie or go bed and read my book...think the book will win though ha!!

hows everyones sat been?
bekimo - Birmingham - Week 3, Wednesday, 10st, lost 20lb so far (8st 8lb to go)!
catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 5 -wed - 4stone - 24.5lbs so far!
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 6 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 23.3 lbs so far
Charlene - Welwyn, Hertfordshire, week 2 - tuesday 4st 7lbs - 7lbs
Karmawitch -Northumberland, Week 4, Thurs, 4st to loose -18lbs so far
Laststraw - London - week 6 - Tuesdays - 2.5 stone - 18.7lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 6 - Tuesdays - 6-7 stone - 34lbs so far
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 5 - Wednesday - 4 stone - 22 lbs so far
SerenityValley - Newcastle - week 3 - Thursdays - 7stone - 22lb so far
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 6 - Wednesdays - 6.5 stone - 24lb so far
Tanya Jade - Cornwall - week 3 - Wednesdays - 10 stone - 14lb so far
vintella - London - week 2 - Thursdays - 7 stone - 19.5lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - Wednesdays - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 3 - Wednesdays - 5 stone - 17lb so far
Hope you've all had a good weekend. I am now getting into clothes that I didn't think I'd be able to ever again. I have a pair of knee high zip up boots that I got in the sale and have never been able to fit into. I've been trying them every 2 weeks and this morning I was able to zip them all the way up!!! Still a bit of squishy fat knee on show, but it's good progress. I'm also in size 14 pencil skirts...and they look good!

I even managed to sit through a Harvester meal today and just drink a litre of water whilst everyone else ate burgers and chips.

Now I'm drinking my water again, the weight is coming off, so I'm looking forward to weigh in this week.
Morning all, how was everyone's weekend?

LS - well done for not caving to pate - I know what you mean, it's my O/H's archilles heel - he goes weak at the knees for pate. Definitely interesting what you said about cravings only lasting 16min - I didn't know that, but now that you say it, it makes a lot of sense. It definitely puts things in perspective - if we can just wait 16min everytime we have a craving, knowing that it will be gone by then makes it all much easier.

With that said, I've found that the further down my 100 day road I go, the better craving's get. This weekend we stayed with friends in Brum and I was able to be around everyone with their Sunday morning fry-up and I wasn't bothered at all.

Molly'sMum - OMG I just saw your update and you're doing so well!!! 34lb is are you finding the programme?

How is everyone else doing this Monday morning? Is it worth having a day upadate? I'm just looking through my diary where I'm numbering off my days and losses.

Today I'm officially on day 40 which really does seem to have gone by much quicker becuase of all the girls on SStarters!:grouphugg:
im feeling bit crappy, ive made a new topic about it, i hate not being able to reply to any posts as i can only look at them on my fone as our laptop is broken im in library at moment only got another 5 mons here! aRRRRR, ive had such a up and down week, wish i didnt have anxiety it makes this diet sooooo much harder. sorry im feeling a bit sorry for myself today! cause im stressing bout my problem side effect
They are but I'm a boy! I know my user name probably does sound a little girlie - I wanted something from the tv show Firefly as I didn't want to use my "normal" username that I use everywhere else.



Shall I change it!?

***clears throat****

"aren't the september PEEPS doing well!?"


B x :D
LS - I know the feeling. The cravings are a NIGHTMARE! But well done for sticking to it!!

Hippychicken - stay strong honey!! You can do it. I am getting a little tired of people telling me I am taking the "easy" or "lazy" diet. It is damn hard work!!!!

Mind you, saying that, this is going really quickly at the moment. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am in the busy season (That being that horrible run up to Xmas!) Foundation will be done before I know it!!

well done on getting through it ls xxx

hope ur feeling ok hc xxx

im doing ok today bit hungry for my shakes so gonna make a biiiiigggg one now!! hwos everyone getting on?