Serioulsy freaking out


Full Member
help just discover am pregnant - what am i meant to be eating - everything is turing my stomach
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firstly congratulation!
secondly don't panic!!!lol

If your getting morning/afternoon/night sickness, then just eat as and when you feel you can and whatever you fancy! Maybe take a pregnancy vitamin to ensure you get everything you need. Once the sickness fades try to eat sensibly....fruit, veg, meat, the odd slice of cake! Moderation is key!

Good luck! x
I found it best to just eat what I fancied as it was better to have something in my stomach than nothing. I did rely on bread and cereal a lot but I found I drank a lot more water too which was good.

Once you start feeling better, then you can focus on healthy eating for you and baby. Just try not to worry about it too much at this stage. If everything turns your stomach you just have to eat little and often whatever you can face.

The sickness will eventually pass. It just feels like it'll never end at the time :(

If you can face fluids then drink lot of water, maybe try soups and smoothies to get you fruit and veg fix.

Remember to stay away from raw and uncooked eggs (no more runny yolks), pate, undercooked meats (so steak nees to be well done for now). If you google "what to eat in pregnancy" you should get a good list of foods to avoid.
You can actually eat rare steak and rare lamb now. Providing the outside is cooked/sealed, and obviously cooked in a clean environment. The current NHS pregnancy book will tell you this and if you look into it the science reasons it is because the meat is so dense any bacteria doesn't survive within the meat, only on the surface (some experiments done in the UK with injecting ecoli into steaks). Of course any mince meat should be cooked throughly including burgers.