shortlisted for health care assistant post


Full Member
eeeeeeeeeeeee im sooo sooo happy i have just been shorlisted for a health care assistant post, just waiting for confirmation via email for date and time of interview, does anyone have any ideas on questions i will be asked xxx.

thanks in advance xxx
Research the company, as they may ask why you want to work for them, so throwing some of their own ideas back at them could show that you'd be a good fit for the company.

Think about your experience and how it's relevant to the specific role. Experience outside of the workplace is also very valuable too. I always think it's good to have in mind a couple of scenarios where you've worked well as part of a team, dealt with something that's gone wrong, or delivered excellent service, so if they ask any questions asking you to give an example, then you've already got it fresh in your head to use.

Also, they may ask what your weaknesses are, so it's good to have something in mind which can be turned into a positive, for example I usually say i'm disorganised, but because i'm aware of this I take steps to ensure that I'm very organised and usually over-compensate, so I know exactly what's going on, what needs to be done etc. Just an idea, but whatever it is, flip it round into a positive.

Good luck!