Sick of carrying 2 hitchikers, Part 2....1 down 1 to go !!!!!!!

Well as I said up there ^^^^^ WI tonight, 1st back on our normal night so :fingerscrossed: been a tough week with having to up the steroids big time, my appetite is insatiable, but I have to learn to eat only the healthy stuff to keep the weight down....the plus side is while I am shedding profusely (Kally I would give any of your lizards a run for their money :giggle:), I can and do feel it's having the desired effect and the psoriasis seems a lot calmer, another minus is where the meds side effects make my lips, nose, face etc sore, I now have lovely bright red lips and it's not just the lips, looks very much like I have put on a bright red lipstick and don't know how to do the outline without going over the edges and just to top it off I have lovely red cheeks and chin, a really good look it your name is Santa :8855: oh well, lets hope it dies down a bit, if not all I can say is thank god for bare minerals :giggle:

Anyways off to get myself ready for wi later, but before I go I just have to put this picture up of Harry...he was exactly 1 month old yesterday and this is of him actually laughing and I mean laughing, big hearty giggles at his Daddy pulling faces at him, I swear to God he's been here before bloody gorgeous and way too advanced lol ....Have a great day everyone xxx:hug99:xxx


​Harry Giggling at his Daddy xxx
Well done for WI tonight. Hope your skin settles down.
Happy New Year Lily and that grandson looks edible so lovely !!!

Hope the skin settles down soons.

hugs xxxx
Have a good WI x
Hope the scales are kind to you tonight Lily

I can't see a picture at the moment, but that might be down to me being logged in on the ipad xx

Thank you hun the scales were extremely kind, all I can say is phew lol
Oh Em he is just too cute, I swear this little man has been here before, he's doing things he shouldn't be doing for another 2 months or more and he only cries if he's wet, dirty or hungry and on top of that at 4 and a half weeks old he went from 1.20am to 8.30am this morning for his feed, what a lucky girl Kirsty is but to be honest that's how she was ...not the smiling lol but sleeping and she hasn't changed either lol xxx:hug99:xxx

Oh lily he is just adorable. So so sweet xx

Well done for wi later xx

Thank you hun, he is isn't he and thank you wi was fabulous, I got lucky lol xxx:hug99:xxx

Well done for WI tonight. Hope your skin settles down.

Thank you hun, wi was great, could and should have been much worse but am hoping for better next skin is settling down but the steroids are causing other side effects and they at the moment,are worse in some ways, I am praying they settle down so that my skin can really repair itself xxx:hug99:xxx

Happy New Year Lily and that grandson looks edible so lovely !!!

Hope the skin settles down soons.

hugs xxxx

Happy New Year Sue, thank you hun, he's just too cute for words lol
As I said above the steroids are working but creating other problems, lets hope it all settles down :fingerscrossed:xxx:hug99:xxx

Have a good WI x

Thank you hun, I did xxx:hug99:xxx

I feel for you with the skin trouble, hope it settles down soon. :D

Well done for WI. :D

Thank you hun, I know you're having health issues too and I hope they can be sorted for you's not much fun is it my love xxx

Thank you hun, I had a great wi was expecting a gain, but lost instead...Kelly always asks me how I think I've done and I am usually fairly accurate (got rid of my home scales, Mal has hidden them from me lol) but did say tonight that I thought I might have put on but didn't think it would be much if I did as I didn't feel as if I had and I can almost always tell when I have I will take that 1lb off gladly and gratefully xxx:hug99:xxx

Wi was great tonight, our C wouldn't let anyone weigh in until he had had a chat with the whole group and basically did a bit of Kicking up the butt to get everyone motivated again (been a long time coming and very much needed), you could feel the electricity in the air, every was well up for it, could be some really good losses this coming week, I know I am aiming for a biggie. After group,Kirsty and I went to Tesco and stocked upon fruit and veg and have chopped loads of carrots, peppers, celery and cucumber as well as a fruit salad, yoghurts, options and fromage frais and lean ham and other free meats too, just to snack on instead of reaching for the naughty stuff and tomorrow we are menu planning and exercising, I am happy to be back and raring to go.

Have a lovely evening lovelies and be good xxx:hug99:xxx
Have decided as I am really aiming to get back into this properly, to start posting my menus and recipes and possibly some pictures if they come out well, this will hopefully keep me focused and keep a record of my lovely meals xxx

Tuesday 8th January 2013


Mixed fruit salad
Toffee Yoghurt
Coffee1 syns
Water1 pint


2 x Extra Sweet Apricots
Coke Zero


2 x Lean Bacon (all fat removed)
2 x Healthy Choices Cumberland Sausages 2 syns
2 x Poached Eggs
120g Home Chips 4 syns
Tinned Tomatoes
Baked Beans
Mixed Salad
Salad Cream 1 syn
2 x Slices Hovis Nimble Hexb
2 x Tsp Lurpak Lightest 2 syns
Water 1 pint


1 x slice of Hovis Nimble 2.5 syns
40g Half Fat Mature Ch
eddar Hexa
2 x Crumble Yoghurts 1 syn
Satsumas x 2
Apricots x 2
Banana x 1
Water 1 pint

13.5 syns

Day 1: 13.5/105 syns
Last edited:
Fantastic to pull a loss this week! You really have your mojo now x
Your menu looks absolutely brilliant Lily :D

And your grandson sounds like a complete and utter sweetheart. I'm going to nick Chris' laptop tonight so that I can have a nosey at the pics you've put up :)

p.s. well done on the loss :woohoo:

Thank you hun, I am the most astounded...funny as I was writing that sentence I was actually thinking, no I'm not, I've never been able to fathom why SW works for me but it does and as long as I stick with it I should continue to lose, I don't mind if it's fast as slow as long as it's going in the right direction lol
Oh Em he really is so gorgeous, I was playing with him on the bed this morning and he was just all smiles and giggles, such an adorable little man, I am absolutely and totally smitten :love:
I am enjoying it again, I did go through the motions most of last year but I am back to excited mode and raring to sort out new menu's and recipes, which is what Kirsty and I will be doing later. So watch this space xxx:hug99:xxx

Morning Lily

Lovely to see you posting menus again yum yum
not that im food obessed lol

Afternoon Kally love, it's nice to be posting again and menus too ...must have my weight loss head on :giggle:
I am a big foodie as you may well have gathered, so I am with you on the food obsession and if I end up looking half as good as you my lovely I won't mind that a bit xxx:hug99:xxx

Fantastic to pull a loss this week! You really have your mojo now x

Thank you Lucia, I am well into it and definitely going to have some more good weight losses this year, might even reach target if I'm really good, but whatever happens it won't be a bad year like last year, I can feel it in my old bones :giggle: xxx:hug99:xxx
Well what a busy day already,had brekkie and then went for a walk with Kirsty and Harry, my first walk in months as my feet have been so bad, they are a little sore and peeling again but I think they are ok an d might even be good enough for a few more walks in the near future.
Mark is off to Milan tonight on a modelling assignment for Prada and when he gets back he will be doing a shoot for Pringles ...he is doing a shoot this morning for Lou Dalton (never heard of him but some of you might have) and he did another shoot on Monday, can't remember who that was for....looks very much like Mark's modelling career is starting to take off a bit, if he is successful with the Prada shoot it could mean a hefty sum towards their mortgage deposit so :fingerscrossed:

This is Mark at his modelling assignment on Monday, you can see where Harry gets his Model features from lol xxx


So as I said Mark is off to Milan tonight and won't be back till next Wednesday, Kirsty is going to stay with her sister for a few days till Sunday, some nice sibling bonding is always good, and while I know they are just a couple of miles up the road I am so going to miss my morning cuddles and play time with Harry :cry: but it will give me and Mal a bit of time to iron out our differences too, hopefully.
But before Kirsty goes tomorrow, we are spending tonight doing menu's and shopping lists for the month, should be good really looking forwards to that one off to write up my menu for today, will be back shortly xxx:hug99:xxx
Mark is certainly a very striking handsome man there Lily :)
and obviously doing well and in demand ps Ive never heard of
Lou Dalton either :)
Mark is certainly a very striking handsome man there Lily :)
and obviously doing well and in demand ps Ive never heard of
Lou Dalton either :)

Me neither Kals x

So nice to hear from you so often Lily :) You're soooo back on it!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Hope you have a lovely day Lily :)
Mark is certainly a very striking handsome man there Lily :)
and obviously doing well and in demand ps Ive never heard of
Lou Dalton either :)

He certainly is a very handsome young man Kally I agree, and him and Kirsty make a very handsome couple and of course very beautiful grandchildren :giggle:
He is in demand at the moment, had a few jobs in the last 18 months since he signed with Elite, but really been taking off since he was in the top 10 of Model of the year last year, as he says he won't give up his day job, he's an electrician, but because he is self employed he has the luxury of being able to go to the castings and is now getting the jobs because of it and it's all extra money towards their mortgage deposit (between you me and the gatepost, if this job for Prada comes off the way they are hoping it will, Prada asked for him and 2 others to go over, he could come home next week with in excess of £10,000, :fingerscrossed:)
Like I said I haven't heard of Lou Dalton personally but I have heard of the conglomerate that he is part of and that is Fashionista, maybe you've heard of them ?
Have a nice day lovely lady xxx:hug99:xxx
Me neither Kals x

So nice to hear from you so often Lily :) You're soooo back on it!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Thanks Lisa, I am really back on it and really enjoying it again, the tablets are makingme so hungry all the time, but I haven't caved yet and have been shoving healthy foods in the old gob lol and ,loads of them too :giggle: and its good being back and posting again more regularly and when I get 5 mins I will come visit your diaries more often too xx
Hope you have a lovely day too sweetie xxx:hug99:xxx

Loving seeing your determination and seeing you so fired up again Lily :D

Thanks Em, I really am fired up even with all the side effects from the tablets, not only the hunger but the sore mouth, nose, lips, tongue & face etc, I am just trying my best to ignore it as best I can and stay focused :fingerscrossed:
Have a lovely day hun xxx:hug99:xxx

Hope you have a lovely day Lily :)

Thank you hun, hope you do too xxx:hugh99:xxx
Right so I didn't manage to get back here yesterday after all, after I left here the sh!t really hit the fan here, Mal and I had the bust up to end all bust ups and Kirsty has gone to stay with Kelly for a week while Mark is away, she had planned to go anyways, but only from today until Sunday, but ended up going yesterday and isn't coming back till next Wednesday.
I won't bore you with all the gory details but this has been building up,almost since I've know Mal ...close on 38 years ....Mark asked me yesterday why I didn't just give up and say enough's enough, but as I told Mark, firstly we have 38 years of history, and I don't want to just walk away from that, plus I still love the man and he genuinely is a nice guy, but he really needs some help which I think he has finally realised , thank god and I mean thank god, somebody must have been looking down on us yesterday and decided we needed an angel cos literally 5 minutes after Kirsty walked out the door, my sister turned up and while she might be the biggest pain in the backside at times, she definitely should be a counselor ...I think I am good with words as a rule but she loses me ....I always tell her I got the looks and she got the wisdom :giggle: and Mal will listen to her....a very long story short, I have always said Mal doesn't want a wife he wants a Mother, he was just 7 when his mother had a cerebral hemorrhage while they were away on holiday and she was taken to hospital and then sent for respite care and he didn't see her for a year, then the day she came home he was so excited he ran all the way home and ran in the door and in his words was confronted by a monster wearing his mothers clothes and has spent the last 60+ years trying to come to terms with the fact that a) he felt guilty because had she not come in the sea with him while on hols he felt she wouldn't have had the hemorrhage b) felt guilty for thinking of her as a monster (from that day to the day she died 21 years ago, he wasn't able to bring himself to cuddle or kiss her) and c) feeling guilty because he couldn't cuddle and kiss her even on the day she died.
That's basically why he has had problems with women all his life, but yesterday he finally let the flood gates open and let some out, he has promised to try and get some help, he is an angry man, when we argue he can't except that sometimes people just argue and while thankfully he has never hit me and never would, he does get beyond angry and up till now has never felt the need to do anything about it, but the final straw was yesterday when we were having a simple argument and he got the wrong end of the stick about Kirsty going to Kelly's and flew up the stairs and had a right go at her because he thought she was moving out for good and was going with no notice, she got upset and then he stormed out the house......Gill my sister is a star and was here till very late last night and Mal and I continued to talk until 3 this morning....I have been up since 6.30am just mulling over things, but I am confident this time that he will get it sorted out, especially as Gill has told him she will go with him if I can't.....I finally feel quite light headed today lol I can only imagine how he feels, but I do know he really seems like a different man already.....I have never seen him as relaxed and rested as he seems today and we have spent 4 hours together without even a single word or bicker, believe me that's a miracle lol

Anyways enough, onto good things but I am glad I wrote that down it really has helped shed some black clouds and who knows maybe this is what we needed for my skin to start repairing itself, I do feel decidedly stress free right now :fingerscrossed: xxx:hug99:xxx