Side Affects

The worst side affect in my opinion is the bad breath like really bad lol..some people experience some hair thinning but so far I haven't and if I stand up to fast I go light headed...apart from that I wouldn't say there's any and the results far out weigh the side affects good luck :)
I agree with Elle the results out weigh the side effect I did experience a bit of hair thining the first time I did the diet hopefully it won't happen this time as only doing a month
And the bad breath is yuck but you can use the breath freshner strips from ur pharmacist
Best of luck with the diet !
Hair loss is the worst thing...
wow no one told me about hair loss lol

Being a guy ill just shave my head then lol, Also you can get the breath strips for about £1.49 for 24 strips. Thats about 3 a day with some to spare. I bought a pack at the same time. Been told drinking water can help subdue the bad breath though
id say bad breath the most..... and the vile taste in your mouth. yak. constantly cleaning my teeth just to kiss my bloke or be anywhere near people i dont want to kill with my breath.

hair loss.... yep. my hair is coming out lots. (broke my hoover, thats how much its coming out) pfffffffffffffffffffffffftttttttt


focus on the positives........... just think, by summer, we'll be miles more confident in our summer clothes xxxxxxx
Thankyou all for that, i have short hair anyway so shouldnt be a problem ! Also can i ask what i can drink, i do drink 2 litres of water anyway a day, what about coffee ! What cant i drink, and i take it noooooo food ! How much do u think i would loose in a mth ! Im on WW at the mo have been for 10 mths and lost 2 stone, but now my weight has come to a stand still and i do everything correctly but no exercise ! Thankyou
you can drink leaf teas i.e- peppermint, nettle etc, black tea and coffee and coke zero, plus the water. In a month the average seem to be between 1stone 7ibs to 2stone 7ibs. im aiming for 2stone, i lost 1stone 3ibs in my first week :) im guessing my second weigh in will be a small one due to that one being so big! ww is a great diet to do after LT too as it will help you! you dont need to exercise with LT its best not too at first due to the light headedness! i only do low cardio stuff, however i did swim 5 times last week but thsi week only been once!
I've never heard that you could have coke zero ?? If that's the case I'm off to the shop now to get some didn't have it when I did LT before it'll be a great addition thanks for info X