

Silver Member
I've suffered from depression on and off for a few years...
Been fine for the last couple of months but had a massive relapse yesterday (was very sudden and very odd)...
I wondered if it could be the diet - so I had a small portion of chips and a veggie burger...

I've never broken my diet this badly before and this is about the 6th time I've done a VLCD.

I really hate being overweight but I really can't contemplate letting myself slip back into depression because of a diet.

Not quite sure what the point of this post is - I just wanted to write it down maybe?

Anyone else got any insight - comments?
VLCD are not always recommended for people with depression unless you have spoken to you GP.

A lot of people are emotional eaters and will feel low when food is no longer an option

Try and stay positive but it could be the diet
Also, the lack of carbs can have a chemical effect on your brain. I have previously suffered depression and I am aware this diet makes me more prone to low mood so need to watch myself. It may be an idea to talk to your dr?
I have had a couple of really low days just since starting last week ( not just emotional, very black days) I def think its diet related but carbs do have an effect on dopamine so chemically it's possible?
Hi, I have had a recent episode of depression, 8 weeks ago and had to change my antidepressants and have put one and a half stone on in that time... to be honest I have never really been over weight before.. I was looking at SS and spoke to one of their advisers today and they advise me not to start this diet that it wouldnt be suitable. Im back at the doctors tomorrow so will be asking his advise. I think as mentioned previously its the low carbs which effect your serotonin, which can bring on or make worse the depression. I think you may probably understand that would effect your depression and as most people would have a low mood its different and harder to pull back from. Any one else have any advice or recommend a diet that would be suitable.