Slim and save low carb crisps !!

Yeah they are just a snack, on their website slim and save have suggested maybe having them in place of your veg allowance to keep your cals and carbs within the allowance, not a very healthy alternative to veg:D but I know a lot of people don't use their veg allowance anyway x
I really liked he crisps, tried them with my free points, but definitely a treat only, they were quite filling though! Salt and vinegar were the best for me.
I hate the cheese and onion ones :( and I stupidly ordered 20. They leave a nasty after taste! Was so looking forward to them too.
I'm glad you said that because I tried a bag of salt and vinegar and at first i thought they were ok but they left an awful aftertaste, I won't be buying them again :( x
It is such a disappointment isn't it Tracey? I'm absolutely gutted because I'm a savoury girl and also a snack girl so this seemed too good to be true. I was thinking of ordering some salt and vinegar but if they leave the funny taste I shall not be doing so.