Slim and Save Newbie

Hi Everyone,

I have today started my very 1st day on S&S.

This morning I had strawberry shake and was pleasantly surprised at how lovely it was.

I had the Chilli for my tea which was also delicious.

I really really really need to shift this weight and would be grateful to anyone who is willing to support me. I am going on my dream holiday in november and am determined not to be a beached whale on the gorgeous beach making it look ugly.

All in all day one has been ok, felt a little hungry but just reached for water with flavouring.

Good luck guys, together we can make this journey happen.

Lots of hugs xxxxxxx
Hello and welcome
Hi Bibbiesbaby, glad you've got through day 1 ok! I'm on day 2 and so far so good......I did do CD earlier this year and then went on to a mix of that and S&S and then I went a bit off track so now I'm back to get this weight off! I'm off on hols in just under 4 weeks and as usual I've left it too late to make that much of a difference so I'm glad you've thought ahead and won't make the same mistake! Good luck to you x
welcome Bibblesbaby :) I'm sure you will find S&S a great journey! I am nearing the end of day 12 & loving every minute :cool:

I'm sure we can all help each other along the way :)
Welcome :) I'm starting on Wednesday - when the packs come (fingers crossed anyhow) - I have a lot to lose (about 9 stone), but I'm happy to be a diet buddy! :) xxx
Hello, it's day 3 for me now. I also felt hungry on day one but day two was much better and I feel less hungry today as well. Good luck! X
Hi Piggie x

A diet buddy would be great!! Thank you very much :).

I hope we succeed on this new lifestyle change I really do. I am soooooooooooooooo fed up of looking in the mirror and felling disgusted at what reflects back at me.

I am always here if you need me for support, heres to new slimmer life.

Good luck hun xxxx
Hey! I'm new aswell, good luck! Can't wait to lose this weight! :)
bibblesbaby said:
Hi Everyone,

I have today started my very 1st day on S&S.

This morning I had strawberry shake and was pleasantly surprised at how lovely it was.

I had the Chilli for my tea which was also delicious.

I really really really need to shift this weight and would be grateful to anyone who is willing to support me. I am going on my dream holiday in november and am determined not to be a beached whale on the gorgeous beach making it look ugly.

All in all day one has been ok, felt a little hungry but just reached for water with flavouring.

Good luck guys, together we can make this journey happen.

Lots of hugs xxxxxxx

Hello BB, welcome to s&s you will look fabulous on that beach in November!
Go girl!

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