Slimming World or Weight Watchers???


New Member
Hi everyone

I have tried EVERY diet over the past 30 years, from fads like egg diet, grapefruit etc. I have had previous success with both WW & SW and recently lost 16lbs on The Harcombe diet, only to fall and put most of it back on..............same old story!!!

I feel horrible with myself, I am at my heaviest ever (almost 17st) I have re-started Harcombe and am into day 3, but climbing the walls with it, its basically meat and veg only to begin with then re-introduce dairy, fruit etc one item per week.

I love a drink and to be honest, have decided I am not willing to totally give it up, I dont go out, I dont smoke etc so believe I deserve a drink at home with my hubby at the weekends.

I am willing to forgo certain foods, I am really in the mood to get stuck in, I LOVE to home cook and am at my happiest chopping and prepping for our evening meal.

So SW or WW ????

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated
Well this depends! I've done both at varying points with varying successes. Last year I was over 15 stone and today I'm 9 stone 2 - achieved by several methods - namely Cambridge and calorie counting

My vote will always go for calorie counting with a moderate carb intake and no white carbs. It works. And it is the basis of every diet out there really.

I'd consider a couple of things in your case. WW teaches portion control - SW encourages the eating of 'free' food. There is no such thing as a free food. I've read countless diaries on here from people who cannot understand why they are gaining weight on SW as they are sticking to plan . They're actually eating a lot of pasta and potatoes believing this to be 'free' - its not.

So if you like a drink at the weekends go for WW so you can count it in.

Do consider calorie counting however! I'm proof it works

Good luck
WOW what an inspiration, you have done SO WELL, now I'm thinking of returning to calorie counting and ditching clubs, I agree with the carbs thing and with doing harcombe I have learnt I can survive with no carbs at all, when I used to eat tonnes of pasta and potatoes.

As you mention with SW eating and eating, harcombe is similar in the way that you are encouraged to eat large amounts of meat with FAT! yet only 3 meals per day NO Snacking, NO SUGAR, NO Carbs, NO CAffeine, NO fruit juices or diet drinks - only water or herbal (decaff) tea is allowed.

Think I am going to go back to weighing my foods, eating healthy and counting my calories.

Is there a guide to how many calories we should eat for our weight/height.

Thanks for your advice, and WELL DONE YOU :)
I did Zoe Harcombe earlier this year... yes I have tried every diet out there! It was kinda tricky as I am a vegetarian who hates eggs. I did the 5 day plan thing and dropped about 5lbs.

These would be my top tips. I speak as a compulsive eater < I'm not really an emotional eater > and I have spent years stuffing my face with junk. I would be quite happy to miss all meals and eat a steady stream of kettle chips, cheese and my big weakness - cake! I was a carb addict and loved pasta etc. I was amazed that I could actually do without it. anyway

1. Only eat three times a day. You're 17 stone? I would maybe give yourself a calorie allowance of 1700 a day for the first week and see how you get on. I'd divide meals into 400 calories for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 700 for dinner - but that is just how I would do it.

2. no snacks. I know that some people subscribe to the point of view that eating little and often stokes the metabolism. I disagree. I think you need to give your body time to actually do its job and digest a proper meal.

3. Moderate carbs. just once a day. So if you had a sandwich for lunch, you wouldn't have pasta for dinner if that makes sense?

4. No more than 2 litres of water a day. i don't understand the 4 litres of fluid a day brigade. just forces your body to work harder for no need at all.

5. No alcohol. I didn't have any - but if you like a drink at the weekend, just count it in. I think you'd find it relatively simple to calorie count a few glasses of wine in.

The above worked for me - although I drastically cut my calories, have to say. That won't be necessary for you just yet though. I think you'd see some really great losses doing the above.

You are very welcome to come and chat over on my diary? it is in the Cambridge diet section and is entitled ' slightly chubby girl slim .. ' - I know it starts off all cambridge but it doesnt end that way - i have calorie counted since end of August i think - and there are lots of girls on there at various stages. It's a good laugh and supportive and you'd be very welcome!