Slimming World Referal


New Member
Hello All!
I am new to Slimming World, having been referred by my doctor. My first meeting is this Tuesday, and I hope to be able to follow it and lose weight - I have already found lots of good information on this forum, so I am pleased I found it!

Our shopping day is Monday, so I will not have the books to hand when I shop - what free items would you say are essential to pick up for my first week?

Thanks :)
Hi Eeyore

I just started Slimming World last Tuesday so still in my first week but my essential items are lots of fruit and veg, plain rice and noodles, potatoes, eggs, baked beans and most definitely stock up on low calorie cooking spray. It might help if you can defer your shopping trip until after your first meeting so you will have more of an idea of the plan and what to buy. Good luck!

A few of my regular items:

Fruit and veg (lots of).
Baking potatoes.
Muller lights.
Dried pasta, rice and noodles.
Baked beans.
Muller lights.
Rolled oats.
Packaged ham.
Muller lights.
5% beef mince.
Tinned Tomatos.
Muller lights.
Stock cubes.

Oh..... have I mentioned a pack of Muller lights!!!

Like pp said, I'd just get some basics in today and do a big shop once you've had a read through the book.