ProPoints Slow loss


Full Member
I know it's a loss and it's mounting up, but I am only losing a pound every week. If I exercise, if I don't exercise- its a pound off! Any tips to kick start it a bit and get the numbers higher??

I seem to loose more when I don't excercise which really makes me not want to excercise even more!!!!
I have found that the lower weight I get the harder it is to loose :( I try not to use my 49 weeklies to loose a wee bit more

Gillbob said:
I know it's a loss and it's mounting up, but I am only losing a pound every week. If I exercise, if I don't exercise- its a pound off! Any tips to kick start it a bit and get the numbers higher??


Are you using your weekly 49's?

I'm not anymore.

My friend doesn't touch hers & is losing 3lb most weeks. Xx
My friend who got to her goal recently, told me today to go down to 26 daily (am on 29 ) for today, fri, mon, tues and wed. Going away with girls on sat and sun so will use weeklies there, she said i'd be down a good bit next thurs when i weigh in. I stayed the same today. So am going to follow her advice and see how i get on??