Smiley's Diary

Ha! Pizza shop - it's now 'none for Tuesday' !!!

I really can't believe how you don't feel hungry at all on this diet. It just goes to show how much hunger is in your head, not driven by your stomach.

I have now become a complete maniac about healthy eating, even though I'm not, erm, eating! All of my research into body fat, diet and exercise have led me to some interesting discoveries and conclusions:

1) Processed food (including anything from a 'low fat' range) is addictive and poisonous. Do not eat it at all. If you don't recognise the ingredients as something you could buy seperately, then put it back on the shelf.
2) Eating a balanced, healthy diet will not make you any less fat by itself. It will maintain you at whatever bodyfat level you are.
3) Aerobic exercise is very good for you. But it won't help you lose fat. It will, however, improve your heart condition. If anything, it might make you lose fat more slowly, because you will lose total muscle mass, and therefore your resting metabolism will drop. Sadly, the human body is very efficient at things like walking and running.
4) Snacking between meals will prevent you from losing body fat, even with 'diet' snack bars, or fruit. And sadly, alchohol and fizzy drinks consumed without a meal count as a snack.

All the negatives first. Now for some positives

5) If you eat food made from natural ingredients, you will only consume as much as your body needs, providing you have broken any processed food addiction.
6) If you have two larger meals a day, instead of three, and you don't snack (including drinks etc.), you will lose body fat, assuming you are not overeating (Note how well this combines with no. 5)
7) Muscle-building strength conditioning will help you lose body fat, because you're increasing your metabolic rate, and also adjusting the balance of how your body reacts to an energy deficiency.

Pretty easy, huh? Yeah right!

My poor family is getting the brunt of this - I am practicing living healthily through them. Hopefully when I come off the LipoTrim, whenever I say 'Anyone fancy Dominos?' they'll all chorus 'No way, dad, make a home-made pizza with fresh dough like you have been doing!' It's about creating a healthy environment as much as anything, and a healthy home is one where everyone understands the rights and wrongs of diet and nutrition, and can support and strengthen each other.

Next experiment....home made bread! I am VERY lucky that the smell of food is not driving me insane.
Well done smiley
Day VII - weigh day!

Still had the 'lump in the throat' feeling yesterday. When I got home, I drank three pints of water, which just made me feel worse. Must force myself to drink more at work, sod the embarassment. Everyone knows I'm doing the diet, and they're all supportive, so it's just in my head.

Abdominal pain has returned. I hope it's not a bladder infection due to the diet change. Or kidney stones! But it feels muscular, and I think it's because the weight distribution across my pelvic muscles is changing. No way am I going to the doctor yet (typical man)

Oh yeah, the weigh in. Only lost ONE STONE FIVE AND A HALF POUNDS!!!!!! In one sense I'm not surprised - you can't eat 560 calories a day and NOT get thin, but it's still amazing. I probably already weigh less than at any time in the last two years. So, one goal down, many many more to go, but I'm absolutely buzzing today.

Will do a ticker thing and a signature thing later.
Day VII - weigh day!

Oh yeah, the weigh in. Only lost ONE STONE FIVE AND A HALF POUNDS!!!!!! absolutely buzzing today.

Will do a ticker thing and a signature thing later.

Oh my Lord well done you! That is amazing! Worth the effort then :D
Thanks all, although I was starting from 'very fat and never dieted' so the first week was always going to be a bonanza!
No, pharmacist advised against it at first, because I've got a lot of body to haul around on very few calories. When I'm close to goal I want to switch to maintenance and start a full-on exercise regime. I'm doing a little bit of weight training to try and get my muscles back, but only a few dozen reps a day with light dumbells
Grrrr, I'd like to find the person who's filled the office with the smell of spaghetti bolognese and tip it over their head.
Lmao!! I hate it when I hear the microwave ping in the office cos a few minutes later the smell is just to much to bear!!!

week 1 -10lbs
I think I'll go find a dead rat in the abandoned office next door and plant it in the kitchen, then call health and safety! Providing I can resist eating the rat of course!!!

Rumbly Tumbly at the moment, almost loud enough for other people to hear!!!!!!
Oh bless you Smiley, my tummy has been rumbling quite badly too for last few days & it tends to start from the afternoon onwards!